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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 12 twelve-letter words containing I, M, 2U and V

ACCUMULATIVEaccumulative adj. Characterized by accumulation; serving to collect or amass.
accumulative adj. Having a propensity to amass; acquisitive.
ACCUMULATIVE adj. tending or given to accumulation.
CUMULATIVELYcumulatively adv. In a cumulative manner.
CUMULATIVE adv. increasing by successive additions.
DIVERTICULUMdiverticulum n. (Anatomy) A small out-pouching of an organ wall such as the large intestine or urinary bladder.
DIVERTICULUM n. a blind passage or tunnel.
INVOLUCELLUMinvolucellum n. An involucel.
INVOLUCELLUM n. a whorl or set of bracts around a flower, umbel, or head.
KURCHATOVIUMkurchatovium n. (Physics) A rejected name for rutherfordium.
KURCHATOVIUM n. a former name for rutherfordium, an artificially produced radioactive transuranic element.
MISVENTUROUSmisventurous adj. (Obsolete) Subject to misventure; unfortunate.
misventurous adj. (Obsolete) Not adventurous; timid.
MISVENTUROUS adj. like a misventure.
MULTIVARIOUSmultivarious adj. Many and various.
MULTIVARIOUS adj. differing widely.
MULTIVOLUMESSorry, definition not available.
UNSUBMISSIVEunsubmissive adj. Unwilling to submit; not submissive, disobedient.
UNSUBMISSIVE adj. not submissive.
VERMICULTUREvermiculture n. The keeping of worms, for example for commercial or horticultural reasons.
VERMICULTURE n. the farming of earthworms, esp. as bait for fishing.
VOLUMINOUSLYvoluminously adv. In a voluminous manner.
VOLUMINOUS adv. bulky, filling much space.
VOLUNTOURISMvoluntourism n. A type of tourism which combines traditional travel and tourism with volunteer work. Travelers are given…
VOLUNTOURISM n. tourism in which travellers do voluntary work to help communities or the environment in the places they are visiting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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