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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing 2I, T, V and X

EXCLUSIVISTSexclusivists n. Plural of exclusivist.
EXCLUSIVIST n. a believer in exclusivism.
EXCOGITATIVEexcogitative adj. Relating to excogitation.
EXCOGITATIVE adj. relating to excogitation.
EXHAUSTIVITYexhaustivity n. The condition of being exhaustive.
EXHAUSTIVITY n. the state of being exhaustive.
EXHIBITIVELYexhibitively adv. In an exhibitive manner.
EXHIBITIVE adv. serving for exhibition; representative.
EXHILARATIVEexhilarative adj. Exhilarating.
EXHILARATIVE adj. tending to exhilarate.
EXPLOITATIVEexploitative adj. In the nature of exploitation; acting to exploit someone or something.
exploitative adj. (More generally) Of or relating to exploitation.
exploitative adj. (Ecology, of competition) Wherein one organism reduces a resource to the point of affecting other organisms.
EXPOSITIVELYEXPOSITIVE adv. serving to explain.
EXPRESSIVITYexpressivity n. (Uncountable) The quality of being expressive.
expressivity n. (Genetics) The degree to which a gene affects or can affect an organism.
EXPRESSIVITY n. the relative capacity of a gene to affect the phenotype of the organism of which it is a part.
INEXHAUSTIVEinexhaustive adj. Synonym of inexhaustible.
INEXHAUSTIVE adj. not exhaustive.
INTOXICATIVEintoxicative adj. Relating to, or causing intoxication.
INTOXICATIVE adj. serving to intoxicate.
LIXIVIATIONSlixiviations n. Plural of lixiviation.
LIXIVIATION n. the separation of a substance into soluble and insoluble constituents by percolation of liquid, usually water.
OVEREXCITINGoverexciting v. Present participle of overexcite.
OVEREXCITE v. to excite too much.
OVEREXPLICIToverexplicit adj. Excessively explicit.
OVEREXPLICIT adj. excessively explicit.
VEXILLATIONSvexillations n. Plural of vexillation.
VEXILLATION n. a company under one vexillum.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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