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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing I, M, 2T and X

AUTOTOXEMIAautotoxemia n. Alternative form of autotoxaemia.
AUTOTOXEMIA n. self-poisoning caused by absorption of toxic products originating within the body, also AUTOTOXAEMIA.
EXCITEMENTSexcitements n. Plural of excitement.
EXCITEMENT n. something that excites or rouses.
EXTERMINATEexterminate v. (Transitive) To kill all of (a population of pests or undesirables), usually intentionally.
exterminate v. (Figuratively, transitive) To bring a definite end to; finish completely.
EXTERMINATE v. to get rid of completely usually by killing off, also EXTERMINE.
EXTREMITIESextremities n. Plural of extremity.
EXTREMITY n. the utmost limit.
HEXAMETRISThexametrist n. One who writes in hexameter.
HEXAMETRIST n. a writer of hexameters.
INTOXIMETERintoximeter n. A breathalyzer.
INTOXIMETER n. a device for measuring the amount of alcohol in the blood of a person who breathes into it, and showing this measurement on a printout.
TAXIDERMISTtaxidermist n. One who practices taxidermy, the stuffing of animals.
TAXIDERMIST n. one who practises taxidermy.
TAXONOMISTStaxonomists n. Plural of taxonomist.
TAXONOMIST n. a specialist in taxonomy, also TAXONOMER.
TEXTUALISMStextualisms n. Plural of textualism.
TEXTUALISM n. strict adherence to a text, esp. that of the Bible.
THERMOTAXICthermotaxic adj. (Biology) Relating to the regulation of temperature in the animal body.
THERMOTAXIC adj. of or showing thermotaxis, also THERMOTACTIC.
THERMOTAXISthermotaxis n. (Biology) Movement in response to temperature.
THERMOTAXIS n. movement influenced or controlled by heat.
THIGMOTAXESthigmotaxes n. Plural of thigmotaxis.
THIGMOTAXIS n. the movement of a plant towards or away from an object.
THIGMOTAXISthigmotaxis n. (Biology) The movement of an organism either towards or away from the stimulus of physical contact.
THIGMOTAXIS n. the movement of a plant towards or away from an object.
XYLOTOMISTSxylotomists n. Plural of xylotomist.
XYLOTOMIST n. one who carries out xylotomy, the preparation of sections of wood for microscopic examination.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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