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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing I, L, N and 2V

CONVIVIALLYconvivially adv. In a convivial manner.
CONVIVIAL adv. relating to or fond of feasting, drinking, and good company.
DISINVOLVEDdisinvolved v. Simple past tense and past participle of disinvolve.
DISINVOLVE v. to unfold; to disentangle.
DISINVOLVESdisinvolves v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disinvolve.
DISINVOLVE v. to unfold; to disentangle.
INEQUIVALVEinequivalve adj. (Zoology, of the shells of a bivalve mollusc) Having valves of different sizes.
inequivalve n. Any bivalve mollusc whose valves are of different sizes.
INEQUIVALVE adj. having the valves of the shell of a mollusk unequal in size, also INEQUIVALVED.
INTERVOLVEDintervolved v. Simple past tense and past participle of intervolve.
INTERVOLVE v. to roll up or entwine with one another.
INTERVOLVESintervolves v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of intervolve.
INTERVOLVE v. to roll up or entwine with one another.
INVECTIVELYinvectively adv. In an invective manner.
INVECTIVE adv. abusive.
INVENTIVELYinventively adv. In an inventive manner.
INVENTIVE adv. given to invention.
INVOLVEMENTinvolvement n. The act of involving, or the state of being involved.
INVOLVEMENT n. the act of involving.
NONINVOLVEDnoninvolved adj. Not involved.
NONINVOLVED adj. not involved.
OVERVALUINGovervaluing v. Present participle of overvalue.
overvaluing n. An overvaluation.
OVERVALUE v. to value too highly.
OVERVEILINGoverveiling v. Present participle of overveil.
OVERVEIL v. to veil over.
OVERVIOLENToverviolent adj. Excessively violent.
OVERVIOLENT adj. excessively violent.
REINVOLVINGreinvolving v. Present participle of reinvolve.
REINVOLVE v. to involve anew.
REVOLVINGLYrevolvingly adv. With revolution; so as to revolve or rotate.
REVOLVING adv. turning about an axis.
UNIVALVULARunivalvular adj. (Botany, zoology) Having only one valve.
UNIVALVULAR adj. having only one valve.
VELVETINESSvelvetiness n. Quality of being velvety.
VELVETINESS n. the state of being velvety.
VENTILATIVEventilative adj. Having the functions of a ventilator; giving ventilation.
VENTILATIVE adj. relating to ventilation.
VOLUNTATIVEvoluntative n. (Grammar) A grammatical construct expressing a wish to do something, similar in meaning to let’s in English.
VOLUNTATIVE n. a verb form expressing a desire to perform the action denoted by the verb.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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