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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing I, S, T and 2Y

ANTISYZYGYantisyzygy n. The presence of dueling polarities within one entity, thought of as typical for the Scottish psyche and literature.
ANTISYZYGY n. a union of opposites.
BISYMMETRYbisymmetry n. (Mathematics) The property of being bisymmetric.
BISYMMETRY n. symmetry in two planes at right angles to each other.
CYTOLYSINScytolysins n. Plural of cytolysin.
CYTOLYSIN n. an agent that dissolves cells esp. by breaking down their outer membrane.
DISLOYALTYdisloyalty n. (Countable) An act of being disloyal; a betrayal, faithbreach.
disloyalty n. (Uncountable) The quality of being disloyal.
DISLOYALTY n. lack of loyalty.
DYOPHYSITEDyophysite n. (Theology) Someone who believes in the doctrine that there are ‘two natures’, human and divine, in Christ.
DYOPHYSITE n. a believer in the existence of two natures in Christ, human and divine, also DIOPHYSITE, DIPHYSITE.
DYSTHYMIACdysthymiac n. Alternative form of dysthymic.
dysthymiac adj. Alternative form of dysthymic.
DYSTHYMIAC n. a person who suffers from dysthymia, despondency.
DYSTHYMIASdysthymias n. Plural of dysthymia.
DYSTHYMIA n. a mild depression, despondency.
DYSTHYMICSdysthymics n. Plural of dysthymic.
DYSTHYMIC n. one given to despondency.
HYSTERICKYhystericky adj. (Informal) Hysterical; inclined to hysterics.
HYSTERICKY adj. (colloquial) hysterical.
MYSTICALLYmystically adv. In a mystical manner.
MYSTICAL adv. spiritually significant or symbolic.
MYSTIFYINGmystifying adj. Very hard to understand; baffling.
mystifying v. Present participle of mystify.
MYSTIFY v. to perplex.
NYCTINASTYnyctinasty n. (Botany) The movement of leaves or petals in response to darkness; the closing of a flower at night.
NYCTINASTY n. sleep-movement in plants, e.g. the closing of petals.
POLYCYSTICpolycystic adj. (Medicine) Having many cysts.
POLYCYSTIC adj. having or involving more than one cyst.
POLYGYNISTpolygynist n. One who practices or advocates polygyny.
POLYGYNIST n. one who practises polygyny, marriage to several women.
PSYCHIATRYpsychiatry n. (Medicine) The branch of medicine that focuses on mental and behavioral health by subjectively diagnosing…
PSYCHIATRY n. a branch of medicine that deals with mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders.
STYPTICITYstypticity n. The quality or state of being styptic; astringency.
STYPTICITY n. the state of being styptic.
SYMPHYSTICSYMPHYSTIC adj. relating to symphysis, the union or growing together of bones, also SYMPHYSEAL, SYMPHYSIAL.
SYNONYMISTsynonymist n. A person who studies synonyms.
SYNONYMIST n. a student of synonyms.
SYNONYMITYsynonymity n. The state of being a synonym.
SYNONYMITY n. the state of being synonymous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 72 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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