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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing I, N, 2U and Y

BUNBURYINGBunburying n. (Humorous) Avoiding one’s duties and responsibilities by claiming to have appointments to see a fictitious person.
BUNBURY v. to create a fictitious scenario that provides an excuse for avoiding unwanted engagements.
BUNYAVIRUSbunyavirus n. (Archaic) Any of the Bunyaviridae, a family of negative-stranded RNA viruses, now most typically in…
DIUTURNITYdiuturnity n. (Rare, obsolete) Long duration; lastingness.
DIUTURNITY n. long duration; lastingness.
LUMINOUSLYluminously adv. In a luminous manner, brightly, glowingly.
LUMINOUS adv. giving off light.
LUXURIANCYluxuriancy n. Obsolete form of luxuriance.
LUXURIANCY n. the state of being luxuriant, also LUXURIANCE.
MUTINOUSLYmutinously adv. In a mutinous manner.
MUTINOUS adv. disposed to mutiny.
PURSUINGLYpursuingly adv. With pursuit; so as to pursue or chase.
PURSUING adv. following.
UNCTUOSITYunctuosity n. The state or characteristic of being unctuous.
UNCTUOSITY n. the state of being unctuous.
UNHURRYINGunhurrying adj. Not hurrying.
UNHURRYING adj. not hurrying.
UNSUITABLYunsuitably adv. In an unsuitable manner.
UNSUITABLE adv. not suitable.
UNTOURISTYuntouristy adj. Not touristy.
USURPINGLYusurpingly adv. So as to usurp.
USURPING adv. taking possession unjustly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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