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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing I, N, P, U and V

PREVALUINGPREVALUE v. to value beforehand.
PULVERINESPULVERINE n. barilla ash, used in glassmaking, also POLVERINE.
PULVILLINGPULVIL v. to scent with pulvil.
PULVINATEDpulvinated adj. Pulvinate.
PULVINATED adj. cushion-like; bulging; pillowy, also PULVINATE.
PULVINULESPULVINULE n. the pulvinus of a leaflet.
PUNITIVELYpunitively adv. In a punitive manner.
PUNITIVE adv. relating to punishment, also PUNITORY.
PURSUIVANTpursuivant n. (Archaic) A follower.
pursuivant n. (Heraldry) A functionary of lower rank than a herald, but discharging similar duties; called also pursuivant…
pursuivant n. (Freemasonry) A Grand Lodge Officer who guards the inner door during a meeting of the Grand Lodge.
SUSPENSIVEsuspensive adj. (Chiefly law) That suspends (temporarily stops).
suspensive adj. Characterized by suspense; suspenseful.
SUSPENSIVE adj. tending to suspend, or to keep in suspense.
UNDEPRIVEDundeprived adj. Not deprived.
UNDEPRIVED adj. not deprived.
UNIMPROVEDunimproved adj. Not improved.
UNIMPROVED adj. not improved.
UNPLAUSIVEunplausive adj. (Obsolete) disapproving.
UNPLAUSIVE adj. not approving; disapproving.
UNPROVIDEDunprovided adj. Not provided; not supplied or equipped; unprepared.
UNPROVIDE v. (Shakespeare) to deprive of necessary provision.
UNPROVIDESunprovides v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unprovide.
UNPROVIDE v. (Shakespeare) to deprive of necessary provision.
UNPURVAIDEUNPURVAIDE adj. (Spenser) not purveyed, not provided with, also UNPURVEYED.
VAPOURINGSvapourings n. Plural of vapouring.
VAPOURING n. the act of vapouring.
VAPULATINGvapulating v. Present participle of vapulate.
VAPULATE v. to flog; to be flogged.
VAPULATIONvapulation n. (Obsolete) The act of beating or whipping.
VAPULATION n. the act of beating or whipping.
VULPINISMSVULPINISM n. foxlike cunning.
VULPINITESVULPINITE n. a granular scaly form of the mineral anhydrite.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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