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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing I, L, M, T and X

ANTICLIMAXanticlimax n. A failed or reverse climax, particularly…
anti-climax n. Alternative spelling of anticlimax.
ANTICLIMAX n. the usually sudden transition in discourse from a significant idea to a trivial or ludicrous idea.
COMPLEXITYcomplexity n. (Uncountable) The state of being complex; intricacy; entanglement.
complexity n. (Countable) That which is and renders complex; intricacy; complication.
COMPLEXITY n. the state of being complex.
EXILEMENTSexilements n. Plural of exilement.
EXILEMENT n. banishment.
FLEXITIMESflexitimes n. Plural of flexitime.
FLEXITIME n. a system that allows flexible working hours, also FLEXTIME.
FLEXTIMERSFLEXTIMER n. one who works flextime.
HOMOTAXIALhomotaxial adj. (Biology) Relating to homotaxis.
HOMOTAXIAL adj. showing homotaxis, also HOMOTAXIC.
MALAXATINGmalaxating v. Present participle of malaxate.
MALAXATE v. to soften by kneading, also MALAX.
MALAXATIONmalaxation n. The act of softening a mass by malaxating.
malaxation n. (Entomology) A kneading or softening, especially the chewing and squeezing by which certain species…
malaxation n. (Agriculture) The process of slowly churning milled oil crops such as olives, allowing droplets of oil…
MAXIMALISTmaximalist adj. (Art, music, literature) Preferring redundancy; tending to do or provide more rather than less.
maximalist adj. (Politics, diplomacy) Aggressive, expansive.
maximalist adj. (Religion) Relating to religious or Biblical maximalism.
MIXABILITYmixability n. The quality of being mixable.
MIXABILITY n. the capacity to be mixed.
MIXOLOGISTmixologist n. (Humorous) A person who creates cocktails; a bartender.
mixologist n. A disc jockey.
MIXOLOGIST n. a student of mixology, the art of making mixed drinks.
MULTIAXIALmultiaxial adj. Having more than one axis.
MULTIAXIAL adj. having more than one axis.
PLEXIMETERpleximeter n. (Medicine) A small, hard, elastic plate, as of ivory, bone, or rubber, placed in contact with the body…
PLEXIMETER n. a small plate to receive the tap in examination by percussion, also PLESSIMETER.
PLEXIMETRYpleximetry n. The use of the pleximeter.
PLEXIMETRY n. the use of a pleximeter, a small, hard, elastic plate, as of ivory, bone, or rubber, placed in contact with body to receive the blow, in examination by mediate percussion.
TAXIDERMALtaxidermal adj. Of, or pertaining to, taxidermy.
TAXIDERMAL adj. relating to taxidermy, also TAXIDERMIC.
TEXTUALISMtextualism n. Strict adherence to a text, especially to the Bible.
textualism n. (Law) A formalist legal theory that interprets based on the ordinary meaning of the legal text.
textualism n. Textual criticism, especially that of the Bible.
TOXALBUMINtoxalbumin n. A protein which is toxic (i.e. organic and poisonous).
TOXALBUMIN n. any of a group of toxic albumins that occur in certain plants, such as toadstools, and in snake venom.
XYLOTOMIESXYLOTOMY n. the preparation of wood for microscopic examination.
XYLOTOMISTxylotomist n. A person involved in xylotomy.
XYLOTOMIST n. one who carries out xylotomy, the preparation of sections of wood for microscopic examination.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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