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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 9 ten-letter words containing I, 2L, R and X

AXILLARIESaxillaries n. Plural of axillary.
AXILLARY n. a feather on the undersurface of a bird's wing, also AXILLAR.
FRAXINELLAfraxinella n. A fragrant herb in the rue family, Dictamnus albus.
FRAXINELLA n. a perennial herb of the rue family.
PREAXIALLYpreaxially adv. (Anatomy) In front of an axis.
PREAXIAL adv. situated in front of any transverse axis in the body of an animal.
PREFIXALLYprefixally adv. In a prefixal manner.
PREFIXAL adv. pertaining to a prefix.
PRELEXICALprelexical adj. (Linguistics) Before the lexical stage.
PRELEXICAL adj. denoting a stage in the formation of a sentence at which words and phrases have not yet replaced all of the underlying grammatical and semantic material of that sentence in the speaker's mind.
PREMAXILLApremaxilla n. (Anatomy) Either of a pair of bones in front of the maxillary bones in the upper vertebrate jaw.
PREMAXILLA n. (Latin) a bone in front of the maxilla, also PREMAXILLARY.
PROXIMALLYproximally adv. (Of causation) Immediately; most directly.
proximally adv. (Medicine) In the proximal direction: reverse of distally.
PROXIMAL adv. located near the point of origin.
REFLEXIBLEreflexible adj. Capable of being reflected, or thrown back.
REFLEXIBLE adj. capable of being reflected, or thrown back.
UXORILOCALuxorilocal adj. (Anthropology) Matrilocal.
UXORILOCAL adj. living in or near the wife's home or community after marriage.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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