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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing I, J, 2O and R

CONJOINERSconjoiners n. Plural of conjoiner.
CONJOINER n. one who conjoins.
DIDJERIDOOdidjeridoo n. Alternative spelling of didgeridoo.
DIDJERIDOO n. (Native Australian) a native Australian musical instrument, also DIDGERIDOO, DIDJERIDU.
JOINTWORMSjointworms n. Plural of jointworm.
JOINTWORM n. the larva of a small, hymenopterous fly, which is found in gall-like swellings on the stalks of wheat.
NONJOINDERnonjoinder n. (Law) The omission of a party that was necessary to an action.
NONJOINDER n. the omission of some person who ought to have been made a plaintiff or defendant in a suit, or of some cause of action which ought to be joined.
NONJOINERSnonjoiners n. Plural of nonjoiner.
NONJOINER n. one who does not join.
OBJURATIONobjuration n. (Rare) The act of objuring; a firm binding by oath.
OBJURATION n. the act of binding by oath; a solemn charge.
OVERJOYINGoverjoying v. Present participle of overjoy.
OVERJOY v. to fill with great joy.
PEJORATIONpejoration n. The act or process of becoming worse; worsening or degeneration.
pejoration n. (Linguistics) The process by which a word acquires a more negative meaning over time.
PEJORATION n. the degeneration of a word or term e.g. "hector" has degenerated from "hero" to bully.
PROJECTIONprojection n. Something which projects, protrudes, juts out, sticks out, or stands out.
projection n. The action of projecting or throwing or propelling something.
projection n. (Archaic) The crisis or decisive point of any process, especially a culinary process.
SOJOURNINGsojourning v. Present participle of sojourn.
sojourning n. The act of one who sojourns; a short stay or residence.
SOJOURNING n. the act of making a sojourn.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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