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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing 2I, M, Q and U

CACIQUISMSCACIQUISM n. government by a cacique, a West Indian or American Indian chief.
COQUIMBITEcoquimbite n. (Mineralogy) The nonahydrate of iron(III) sulfate.
COQUIMBITE n. a yellowish hydrous sulphate of iron found in certain volcanic rocks.
DELIQUIUMSdeliquiums n. Plural of deliquium.
DELIQUIUM n. (archaic) a swoon; an eclipse.
DEMIPIQUESdemipiques n. Plural of demipique.
DEMIPIQUE n. an 18th century war-saddle having a lower peak than usual.
DOMINIQUESDominiques n. Plural of Dominique.
DOMINIQUE n. (French) one of an American breed of chickens, also DOMINICK, DOMINICKER.
EQUANIMITYequanimity n. The state of being calm, stable and composed, especially under stress.
EQUANIMITY n. evenness of mind esp. under stress.
MISQUOTINGmisquoting v. Present participle of misquote.
MISQUOTE v. to quote incorrectly.
PRIMAQUINEprimaquine n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic compound derived from quinoline, used as a medication in the treatment of…
PRIMAQUINE n. an antimalarial drug.
QUADRIVIUMquadrivium n. (Education, historical) The higher division of the seven liberal arts in the Middle Ages, composed of…
QUADRIVIUM n. (Latin) a higher division of seven liberal arts studied in the Middle Ages, comprising arithmetic, music, astronomy, geometry.
QUAGMIRIERQUAGMIRY adj. like a quagmire, boggy.
QUAGMIRINGquagmiring v. Present participle of quagmire.
QUAGMIRE v. to entangle as in boggy ground.
QUICKLIMESquicklimes n. Plural of quicklime.
QUICKLIME n. unslaked lime, calcium oxide.
QUITCLAIMSquitclaims v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of quitclaim.
QUITCLAIM v. to draw up a quitclaim, a deed relinquishing a claim, such as a mining title.
QUIXOTISMSquixotisms n. Plural of quixotism.
QUIXOTISM n. quixotic principles, character, or practice; a quixotic action, statement, or idea, also QUIXOTRY.
SEMICIRQUEsemicirque n. A semicircular hollow or opening among trees or hills.
SEMICIRQUE n. a semicircular hollow or opening among trees or hills.
SEMILIQUIDsemiliquid adj. Having properties intermediate between those of a solid and a liquid.
semiliquid adj. Somewhat liquid; able to flow or change, but not entirely freely.
semiliquid n. Any substance with properties intermediate between those of a solid and a liquid.
SINARQUISMSinarquism n. A fascist movement in Mexico during the 1930s and 1940s, with links to the Nazis and the Falangists…
SINARQUISM n. the fascist movement in Mexico, prominent around the time of the Second World War, also SINARCHISM.
SQUIRMIESTsquirmiest adj. Superlative form of squirmy: most squirmy.
SQUIRMY adj. given to squirming.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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