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There are 10 words containing I, J and 2P

JALOPPIESjaloppies n. Plural of jaloppy.
JALOPPY n. a decrepit car, also JALOPY.
JAPPINGjapping v. Present participle of jap.
Japping v. Present participle of Jap.
JAP v. to splash or spatter, also JAUP.
JIPIJAPAjipijapa n. Panama hat.
jipijapa n. Panama hat palm.
JIPIJAPA n. (Spanish) a palmlike tree of tropical America, also JIPYAPA.
JIPIJAPASjipijapas n. Plural of jipijapa.
JIPIJAPA n. (Spanish) a palmlike tree of tropical America, also JIPYAPA.
JIPYAPAJIPYAPA n. (Spanish) a palmlike tree of tropical America, also JIPIJAPA.
JIPYAPASJIPYAPA n. (Spanish) a palmlike tree of tropical America, also JIPIJAPA.
JOYPOPPINGjoypopping v. Present participle of joypop.
JOYPOP v. to use habit-forming drugs occasionally.
POPINJAYpopinjay n. (Now archaic outside heraldry) A parrot.
popinjay n. (Obsolete) A decorative image of a parrot on a tapestry, cloth etc.
popinjay n. (Dated) A vain, gaudy person; someone who is shallow or superficial.
POPINJAYSpopinjays n. Plural of popinjay.
POPINJAY n. a figure of a bird suspended from a pole and used as a target by archers and crossbowmen; a strutting supercilious conceited person.
POPJOYINGpopjoying n. (Dated, rare) sport; amusement.
POPJOY v. to amuse oneself.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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