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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing I, 2P and Z

APPETIZEDappetized v. Simple past tense and past participle of appetize.
APPETIZE v. to whet the appetite, also APPETISE.
APPETIZERappetizer n. A small, light, and usually savory first course in a meal.
appetizer n. Something that creates or increases excitement for what is to follow.
APPETIZER n. something that whets the appetite, also APPETISER.
APPETIZESappetizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of appetize.
APPETIZE v. to whet the appetite, also APPETISE.
APPRIZERSapprizers n. Plural of apprizer.
APPRIZER n. one who informs, also APPRISER.
APPRIZINGapprizing v. Present participle of apprize.
apprizing n. Alternative form of apprising.
APPRIZING n. (archaic) the sheriff's sentence directing property to be apprized.
PAPALIZEDpapalized v. Simple past tense and past participle of papalize.
PAPALIZE v. to render papal, also PAPALISE.
PAPALIZESpapalizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of papalize.
PAPALIZE v. to render papal, also PAPALISE.
PAPARAZZIpaparazzi n. (Nonstandard) A paparazzo.
paparazzi n. (Nonstandard, uncountable) Paparazzi taken as a group.
paparazzi n. Plural of paparazzo.
PAUPERIZEpauperize v. To make someone a pauper; to impoverish.
PAUPERIZE v. to reduce to pauperism; as, to pauperize the peasantry, also PAUPERISE.
PEPTIZERSpeptizers n. Plural of peptizer.
PEPTIZER n. one that peptizes, also PEPTISER.
PEPTIZINGpeptizing v. Present participle of peptize.
PEPTIZE v. to form a colloidal solution, also PEPTISE.
PEPTONIZEpeptonize v. (Physiology, biochemistry) To convert a protein into peptones under the influence of the enzyme pepsin.
PEPTONIZE v. to make (a protein) soluble by partial predigestion, esp. in the treatment of food, also PEPTONISE.
UNZIPPINGunzipping v. Present participle of unzip.
unzipping n. The act by which something is unzipped.
UNZIP v. to open the zipper of.
ZEPPELINSzeppelins n. Plural of zeppelin.
Zeppelins n. Plural of Zeppelin.
ZEPPELIN n. (German) a dirigible, cigar-shaped airship of the type designed by Count Zeppelin (c. 1900).
ZIPPERINGzippering v. Present participle of zipper.
ZIPPER v. to close with an interlocking fastener.
ZIPPINESSzippiness n. The quality of being zippy.
ZIPPINESS n. the quality of being zippy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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