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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing I, 2O and Q

COLLOQUIAcolloquia n. A plural of colloquium.
COLLOQUIUM n. (Latin) a conference, a seminar.
MOSQUITOSmosquitos n. Plural of mosquito.
mosquitos v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mosquito.
Mosquitos n. Plural of Mosquito.
OBLOQUIALOBLOQUIAL adj. relating to obloquy.
OBLOQUIESobloquies n. Plural of obloquy.
OBLOQUY n. abusive language.
OLOLIUQUIololiuqui n. Alternative form of ololiuhqui.
OLOLIUQUI n. a woody-stemmed Mexican vine of the morning glory family.
QUINOLONEquinolone n. (Organic chemistry) Any of several isomeric ketones derived from quinoline.
quinolone n. (Medicine) Any of a range of broad-spectrum antibiotics, related to nalidixic acid, based on this structure.
QUINOLONE n. any of a group of antibiotics used esp. against infections of the urinary or respiratory tracts.
QUINONOIDquinonoid adj. (Organic chemistry) Of, relating to, or having the structure of a quinone.
quinonoid n. (Organic chemistry) Any compound that resembles a quinone but in which the >C=O groups are replaced…
QUINONOID adj. like a quinone.
QUOTATIONquotation n. A fragment of a human expression that is repeated by somebody else, for example from literature or a famous speech.
quotation n. A price that has been quoted for buying or selling.
quotation n. The act of setting a price.
QUOTITIONquotition n. (Mathematics) An approach to division in which one asks how many parts there are, rather than (as in…
QUOTITION n. a division regarded as a repeated subtraction.
SOLILOQUYsoliloquy n. (Drama) The act of a character speaking to themselves so as to reveal their thoughts to the audience.
soliloquy n. (Authorship) A speech or written discourse in this form.
soliloquy v. (Very rare) To issue a soliloquy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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