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There are 20 nine-letter words containing I, K, U and Y

BUCKISHLYbuckishly adv. In a buckish manner.
BUCKISH adv. dandified; foppish.
BUMPKINLYbumpkinly adj. Befitting a bumpkin.
BUMPKINLY adj. like a bumpkin, also BUMPKINISH.
BUTTINSKYbuttinsky n. (Derogatory) One who is prone to butt in, interrupt, or get involved where they are not welcome; a busybody.
buttinsky n. (Telecommunications) Alternative spelling of buttinski (“a robust portable one-piece telephone instrument…
BUTTINSKY n. a person given to butting in, a troublesome meddler, also BUTTINSKI.
DUSKISHLYduskishly adv. In a duskish manner.
DUSKISH adv. somewhat dusky.
DYBBUKKIMDYBBUK n. (Yiddish) a wandering soul in Jewish folklore, also DIBBUK.
EURYOKIESEURYOKY n. the ability of an organism to live under variable conditions, also EUROKY.
FLUNKYISMflunkyism n. The quality or characteristics of a flunky; readiness to cringe to those who are superior in wealth…
FLUNKYISM n. the state of being a flunky.
KURVEYINGKURVEY v. (South African) to move goods by ox wagon.
LURKINGLYlurkingly adv. So as to lurk; in sinister concealment.
LURKING adv. lying in wait.
PUCKISHLYpuckishly adv. Mischievously; playfully.
PUCKISH adv. like a puck, impish.
PUPPYLIKEpuppylike adj. Resembling a puppy.
PUPPYLIKE adj. like a puppy.
PUTTYLIKEputtylike adj. Resembling putty or some aspect of it.
PUTTYLIKE adj. like putty.
QUAKINGLYquakingly adv. In a quaking fashion, especially with fear.
QUAKING adv. shaking.
SKILFULLYskilfully adv. Britain standard spelling of skillfully.
SKILFUL adv. full of skill, also SKILFULL, SKILLFUL.
SKURRYINGskurrying v. Present participle of skurry.
SKURRY v. to move in a quick scuttling fashion, also SCURRY.
SQUEAKILYsqueakily adv. Whilst squeaking.
SQUEAKY adv. making a squeak.
SUKIYAKISsukiyakis n. Plural of sukiyaki.
SUKIYAKI n. (Japanese) sliced meat, vegetables, and seasoning, fried together.
SYRUPLIKEsyruplike adj. Resembling syrup or some aspect of it.
SYRUPLIKE adj. like syrup.
UNLUCKILYunluckily adv. Without luck; unfortunately.
UNLUCKY adv. not lucky.
YUCKINESSyuckiness n. The state or condition of being yucky.
YUCKINESS n. the state of being yucky.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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