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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing I, K, Q and R

ANTIQUARKantiquark n. (Physics) The antiparticle of a quark.
ANTIQUARK n. the antimatter equivalent of a quark.
OVERQUICKoverquick adj. Too quick; overly quick.
OVERQUICK adj. too quick.
QUICKENERquickener n. One who, or that which, quickens, hastens, or speeds up an object or action.
quickener n. That which gives life, animates, or nourishes.
QUICKENER n. one who quickens.
QUICKFIREquickfire adj. Alternative form of quick-fire.
quick-fire adj. (Idiomatic) Having one thing coming rapidly after another.
QUICKFIRE adj. rapid, as question and answer.
QUILLWORKquillwork n. Decorative textile embellishment made from porcupine quills by certain Native Americans.
QUILLWORK n. ornamental work in porcupine quills.
QUIRKIESTquirkiest adj. Superlative form of quirky: most quirky.
QUIRKY adj. twisted.
REQUICKENrequicken v. (Transitive) To quicken anew; to reanimate or give new life to.
REQUICKEN v. (Shakespeare) to give new life to.
SQUAWKIERsquawkier adj. Comparative form of squawky: more squawky.
SQUAWKY adj. shrill and grating.
SQUEAKIERsqueakier adj. Comparative form of squeaky: more squeaky.
SQUEAKY adj. making a squeak.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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