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There are 19 nine-letter words containing I, J, O and Y

JOCKEYINGjockeying v. Present participle of jockey.
jockeying n. The act of one who jockeys.
JOCKEY v. to maneuver for position.
JOCKEYISHJOCKEYISH adj. like a jockey.
JOCKEYISMjockeyism n. The practice or techniques of jockeys; the skill of riding a horse in a race.
JOCKEYISM n. the practice of jockeys.
JOCUNDITYjocundity n. (Uncountable) The state of being jocund.
jocundity n. (Countable) A jocund remark; a witticism.
JOCUNDITY n. joyfulness.
JOINTEDLYjointedly adv. In a jointed way; with, or by means of, joints.
JOINTED adv. JOINT, to fit together by means of a junction.
JOLLEYINGjolleying v. Present participle of jolley.
JOLLEYING n. using a jolley, a guide for fixing a pottery mould for plates.
JOLLYINGSjollyings n. Plural of jollying.
JOLLYING n. the act of making plates on a special potter's wheel.
JOLTINGLYjoltingly adv. In a jolting way; with abrupt, uneven shakes or knocks.
JOSHINGLYjoshingly adv. In a joshing manner; teasingly.
JOVIALITYjoviality n. The state of being jovial; jollity or conviviality.
JOVIALITY n. the state of being jovial, also JOVIALTY.
JOYRIDDENjoyridden v. Past participle of joyride.
JOYRIDE v. to take a ride for pleasure.
JOYRIDERSjoyriders n. Plural of joyrider.
JOYRIDER n. one who joyrides.
JOYRIDINGjoyriding v. Present participle of joyride.
joyriding n. An instance of somebody taking a joyride.
joy␣riding v. Present participle of joy ride (Unlawfully or recklessly driving an automobile.).
JOYSTICKSjoysticks n. Plural of joystick.
JOYSTICK n. the control stick in an airplane.
JUNIORITYjuniority n. The quality or state of being junior.
JUNIORITY n. the state of being junior.
NONINJURYnoninjury n. A practice or philosophy of not causing injury to others.
noninjury adj. Not of or pertaining to injury.
NONINJURY adj. relating to something that is not an injury.
OBJECTIFYobjectify v. To make (something, such as an abstract idea) possible to be perceived by the senses.
objectify v. To treat (something) as objectively real.
objectify v. To treat (someone) as a mere object, denying (their) dignity.
POPINJAYSpopinjays n. Plural of popinjay.
POPINJAY n. a figure of a bird suspended from a pole and used as a target by archers and crossbowmen; a strutting supercilious conceited person.
POPJOYINGpopjoying n. (Dated, rare) sport; amusement.
POPJOY v. to amuse oneself.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 53 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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