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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing I, M, U and X

BRUXISMSbruxisms n. Plural of bruxism.
BRUXISM n. a nervous grinding of the teeth.
CAMAIEUXcamaieux n. Plural of camaieu.
CAMAIEU n. (French) a cameo.
EXHUMINGexhuming v. Present participle of exhume.
EXHUME v. to dig out from the earth, also EXHUMATE.
EXIMIOUSeximious adj. (Archaic) Pre-eminent, outstanding.
EXIMIOUS adj. (archaic) choice, excellent.
EXONUMIAexonumia n. Coinlike objects.
exonumia n. Study and/or collection of such.
EXONUMIA n. objects that resemble money but do not circulate as coin or paper money e.g. tokens, coupons, medal.
EXORDIUMexordium n. (Formal) A beginning.
exordium n. The introduction to an essay or discourse.
EXORDIUM n. (Latin) a beginning.
GIAMBEUXgiambeux n. Obsolete form of jambeaux, plural of jambeau.
GIAMBEUX adj. (Spenser) leg-armour, greaves.
LIXIVIUMlixivium n. A solution of alkaline salts extracted from wood ashes.
lixivium n. Any solution obtained by lixiviation.
LIXIVIUM n. (Latin) a solution of alkaline salts extracted from wood ashes; hence, any solution obtained by lixiviation.
MAXIMUMSmaximums n. Plural of maximum.
MAXIMUM n. the largest possible amount.
MICROLUXmicrolux n. A unit of illuminance or illumination, one millionth of a lux.
MICROLUX n. a unit of illumination.
MILLILUXmillilux n. A unit of illuminance equal to one thousandth of a lux.
MILLILUX n. a unit of illumination, one thousandth of a lux.
MIXTURESmixtures n. Plural of mixture.
MIXTURE n. the product of mixing.
OXONIUMSoxoniums n. Plural of oxonium.
OXONIUM n. a certain grouping of oxygen and hydrogen atoms.
PYXIDIUMpyxidium n. (Botany) A seed capsule in the form of a box, the seeds being released when the top splits off.
PYXIDIUM n. a capsule that opens by a transverse circular split.
UNMIXINGunmixing n. The separation of the components of a mixture.
unmixing v. Present participle of unmix.
UNMIX v. to separate from a mixture.
VEXILLUMvexillum n. A flag, banner, or standard.
vexillum n. A company of troops serving under one standard.
vexillum n. The sign of the cross.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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