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There are 19 eight-letter words containing I, K, Q and U

DIQUARKSdiquarks n. Plural of diquark.
DIQUARK n. a low energy configuration of two quarks.
EQUIVOKEequivoke n. Alternative form of equivoque.
EQUIVOKE n. an ambiguous term; a word susceptible of different significations, also EQUIVOQUE.
QAMUTIKSqamutiks n. Plural of qamutik.
QAMUTIK n. (Inuit) a sled with wooden runners, also COMATIK, KAMOTIK, KAMOTIQ, KOMATIK.
QUACKIERquackier adj. Comparative form of quacky: more quacky.
QUACKY adj. resembling the cry of a duck.
QUACKINGquacking v. Present participle of quack.
quacking adj. Making quacking sounds, or prone to doing so.
quacking n. The sound made by a group of ducks; quacks.
QUACKISHquackish adj. Like a quack (fraudulent doctor), or characteristic of quackery.
QUACKISH adj. fraudulent.
QUACKISMquackism n. Behaviour of a quack; quackery.
QUACKISM n. the practise of a charlatan, also QUACKERY.
QUAKIESTquakiest adj. Superlative form of quaky: most quaky.
QUAKY adj. quaking, shaky.
QUAKINGSquakings n. Plural of quaking.
QUAKING n. the act of quaking.
QUAYLIKEquaylike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a quay.
QUAYLIKE adj. like a quay.
QUICKENSquickens n. (Chiefly Midlands (northern), Northern England, Northern Ireland, Scotland) Synonym of couch grass (“a…
quickens n. (Chiefly Midlands (northern), Northern England, Northern Ireland, Scotland) plural of quicken.
quickens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of quicken.
QUICKESTquickest adj. Superlative form of quick: most quick.
QUICK adj. acting or capable of acting with speed.
QUICKIESquickies n. Plural of quickie.
QUICKIE n. (colloquial) a hurried act of sexual intercourse, also QUICKY.
QUICKSETquickset adj. (Of a hedge etc) Grown from cuttings planted directly into the ground.
quickset n. The cuttings used, or the hedge produced by this method.
QUICKSET n. a living plant suitable for hedges.
QUIRKIERquirkier adj. Comparative form of quirky: more quirky.
QUIRKY adj. twisted.
QUIRKILYquirkily adv. In a quirky manner.
QUIRKY adv. twisted.
QUIRKINGquirking v. Present participle of quirk.
QUIRK v. to move jerkily.
QUIRKISHquirkish adj. (Archaic) Characterized by quirks; evasive, tricky.
QUIRKISH adj. in a twisted way.
QUONKINGquonking v. Present participle of quonk.
QUONK v. to make an accidental disturbing noise too close to a microphone.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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