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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing I, J, M and U

JUJUISMSJUJUISM n. a belief in jujus.
JUMARINGjumaring v. Present participle of jumar.
JUMAR v. to climb using ropes and clips.
JUMBLIERJUMBLY adj. in a jumble.
JUMBLINGjumbling v. Present participle of jumble.
jumbling n. The act by which something is jumbled or confused.
JUMBLE v. to mix in a disordered manner.
JUMBOISEjumboise v. Alternative form of jumboize.
JUMBOISE v. to enlarge a ship using prefabricated sections, also JUMBOIZE.
JUMBOIZEjumboize v. (Nautical) To lengthen a ship replacing an existing section with a longer section or inserting an additional section.
JUMBOIZE v. to enlarge a ship using prefabricated sections, also JUMBOISE.
JUMPIESTjumpiest adj. Superlative form of jumpy: most jumpy.
JUMPY adj. nervy.
JUMPINGSjumpings n. Plural of jumping.
JUMPING n. the act of jumping.
JUMPSIESJUMPSIES n. a game involving jumping over a taut rope.
JUMPSUITjumpsuit n. A one-piece item of clothing originally used by parachutists.
jumpsuit n. A similar item of clothing used for outdoor sports such as skiing.
jump␣suit n. Alternative form of jumpsuit.
MISJUDGEmisjudge v. To make an error in judging, to incorrectly assess.
MISJUDGE v. to judge wrongly.
MULTIJETmultijet adj. Of or pertaining to multiple jets (spouts or nozzles).
multijet adj. (Physics) Of or pertaining to multiple jets (narrow cones of particles).
MULTIJET adj. having more than two jets.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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