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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing 2I, J and L

JAILBAITjailbait n. (Slang) A sexually mature person below, or appearing to be below, the legal age of consent, who is regarded…
jail-bait n. Alternative spelling of jailbait.
jail␣bait n. Alternative spelling of jailbait.
JAILBIRDjailbird n. A prisoner or an ex-prisoner.
jail-bird n. Alternative spelling of jailbird.
jail␣bird n. Alternative form of jailbird.
JIBINGLYjibingly adv. With a jibe or taunt.
JIBING adv. JIBE, to jeer, also GIBE.
JIGGLIERjigglier adj. Comparative form of jiggly: more jiggly.
JIGGLY adj. given to jiggling.
JIGGLINGjiggling v. Present participle of jiggle.
jiggling n. A motion that jiggles.
JIGGLE v. to shake from side to side.
JILLIONSjillions n. Plural of jillion.
JILLION n. an indefinite but extremely large number.
JINGLIERjinglier adj. Comparative form of jingly: more jingly.
JINGLY adj. jingling.
JINGLINGjingling n. The sound made by something that jingles.
jingling n. An old parlour game in which blindfolded players within a ring attempted to catch another player to…
jingling v. Present participle of jingle.
JIRBLINGjirbling v. Present participle of jirble.
JIRBLE v. (Scots) to pour unsteadily.
JUDICIALjudicial adj. Of or relating to the administration of justice.
judicial adj. Of or relating to the court system or the judicial branch of government.
judicial adj. (Ireland, historical) specified by a civil bill court under the terms of the Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1881.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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