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There are 19 seven-letter words containing I, T and 2U

BUSUUTIbusuuti n. A gomesi.
BUSUUTI n. a long garment with a square neckline worn by Ugandan women.
CUBITUScubitus n. (Archaic) The ulna.
cubitus n. (Entomology) One of the major veins of the insect wing, between the media and the postcubitus; the vein…
cubitus n. (Anatomy) The elbow, or the corresponding joint in the forelimb of a quadruped.
DUTIFULdutiful adj. Accepting of one’s legal or moral obligations and willing to do them well, and without complaint.
dutiful adj. Pertaining to one’s duty; demonstrative of one’s sense of duty.
DUTIFUL adj. obedient.
FUGUISTfuguist n. (Archaic) A musician who composes or performs fugues.
FUGUIST n. one who composes fugues.
JUJITSUjujitsu n. A method of self-defence established in Japan emphasizing “jū” (soft or gentle) “jutsu” (art or technique)…
jujitsu n. Brazilian jiu-jitsu, a related art, derived from judo.
jujitsu n. (Figuratively) Strategic maneuvering, especially with the aim of using the strength of one’s opponent…
JUJUISTjujuist n. One who practises juju.
JUJUIST n. a follower of jujuism.
PURSUITpursuit n. The act of pursuing.
pursuit n. A hobby or recreational activity, done regularly.
pursuit n. (Cycle racing) A discipline in track cycling where two opposing teams start on opposite sides of the…
QUIETUSquietus n. A stillness or pause; something that quiets or represses; removal from activity.
quietus n. (Figuratively) Death.
quietus n. Final settlement (e.g., of a debt).
SUBUNITsubunit n. Any subdivision of a larger unit.
subunit n. (Biochemistry) A protein subunit.
SUBUNIT n. a unit that is part of a larger unit.
SUNSUITsunsuit n. A costume designed to protect a child from the sun.
SUNSUIT n. an outfit worn for sunbathing.
TAUHINUTAUHINU n. (Maori) a poplar tree.
THULIUMthulium n. A metallic chemical element (symbol Tm) with atomic number 69: a fairly soft, easily workable metal…
THULIUM n. a rare metallic chemical element of the lanthanide series.
TITULUStitulus n. A caption, title or other inscription, especially an Ancient Roman type.
TITULUS n. a sign on a cross giving a crucified person's name and crime.
TRIDUUMtriduum n. A period of three days (especially in Roman Catholic liturgy).
TRIDUUM n. (Latin) a period of three days of prayer preceding Roman Catholic feasts.
TUBULINtubulin n. (Biochemistry) Any of a group of proteins used as the material for microtubules.
tubulin n. (Biochemistry) Specifically, the dimer of α-tubulin and β-tubulin.
TUBULIN n. a globular protein.
UNBUILTunbuilt adj. Not built.
UNBUILD v. to demolish; to raze.
UNQUIETunquiet adj. Uneasy and restless; unable to settle.
unquiet adj. Causing or associated with unease or restlessness.
unquiet v. (Now rare) To disturb, disquiet.
UNSUITSunsuits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unsuit.
UNSUIT v. to make unsuitable.
UPBUILTupbuilt v. Simple past tense and past participle of upbuild.
UPBUILD v. to build up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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