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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 17 seven-letter words containing I, 2S and X

AUXESISauxesis n. (Rhetoric) A rhetorical device whereby the subject matter is made greater, particularly.
auxesis n. (Biology) Biological growth, (now usually restricted to) expansion or growth of an organism apart from…
auxesis n. (Chemistry) The condition of being auxetic.
EXCISESexcises n. Plural of excise.
EXCISE v. to cut off or out.
LAXISMSLAXISM n. the belief that an unlikely opinion may be safely followed.
LAXISTSlaxists n. Plural of laxist.
LAXIST n. a person with low moral views.
LEXISESlexises n. Plural of lexis.
LEXIS n. (Latin) the total stock of words in a language.
OXSLIPSoxslips n. Plural of oxslip.
OXSLIP n. (Shakespeare) an oxlip.
SAXISTSsaxists n. Plural of saxist.
SAXIST n. a saxophone player.
SEXIESTsexiest adj. Superlative form of sexy: most sexy.
SEXY adj. arousing sexual desire.
SEXINGSSEXING n. as in nuclear sexing, testing a person's sex by examining cells taken from inside the cheek.
SEXISMSsexisms n. Plural of sexism.
SEXISM n. prejudice or discrimination against one sex.
SEXISTSsexists n. Plural of sexist.
SEXIST n. one who practices sexism.
SILEXESsilexes n. Plural of silex.
Silexes n. Plural of Silex.
SILEX n. (Latin) finely ground tripoli used as a paint filler.
SIXAINSSIXAIN n. (French) a stanza of six lines, also SIXAINE.
SIXTIESsixties n. Plural of sixty.
sixties n. Alternative letter-case form of Sixties (The decade of the 1860s, 1960s, etc.).
sixties n. The decade of one’s life from age 60 through age 69.
SYNAXISsynaxis n. A congregation.
synaxis n. (Obsolete) The Lord’s Supper.
synaxis n. A day following a Great Feast in the Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholic churches, on which a person…
TAXISESTAXIS n. the movement of a cell or organism in a particular direction in response to an external stimulus.
XEROSISxerosis n. (Medicine) dryness.
XEROSIS n. (Greek) abnormal dryness of body parts, also XEROTES.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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