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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 10 seven-letter words containing I, O and 2U

CURIOUScurious adj. Tending to ask questions, or to want to explore or investigate; inquisitive; (with a negative connotation)…
curious adj. Caused by curiosity.
curious adj. Leading one to ask questions about; somewhat odd, out of the ordinary, or unusual.
DUBIOUSdubious adj. (Of a statement, matter, or thing) Arousing doubt; questionable; open to suspicion.
dubious adj. (Of a person) In disbelief; wavering, uncertain, or hesitating in opinion; inclined to doubt; undecided.
dubious adj. (Chess, chiefly of an opening move) Generally considered imprecise or wrong, but not totally unplayable.
FURIOUSfurious adj. Feeling great anger; raging; violent.
furious adj. Rushing with impetuosity; moving with violence.
FURIOUS adj. extremely angry.
MUONIUMmuonium n. (Physics, chemistry) An exotic atom formed when a positively charged muon (an anti-muon) and an electron…
MUONIUM n. an electron and a positive muon bound together.
OUGUIYAouguiya n. The currency of Mauritania, divided into five khoums.
OUGUIYA n. (Arabic) a monetary unit of Mauritania, also OUGIYA.
RUBIOUSrubious adj. (Obsolete) red; ruddy.
RUBIOUS adj. ruby coloured.
RUINOUSruinous adj. Causing ruin; destructive, calamitous.
ruinous adj. Extremely costly; so expensive as to cause financial ruin.
ruinous adj. Characterized by ruin; ruined; dilapidated; as, an edifice, bridge, or wall in a ruinous state.
SINUOUSsinuous adj. Having curves in alternate directions; meandering.
sinuous adj. Moving gracefully and in a supple manner.
sinuous adj. (Figurative) Morally crooked; shifty.
URINOUSurinous adj. Pertaining to urine.
URINOUS adj. of or pertaining to urine, also URINOSE.
VIDUOUSVIDUOUS adj. widowed; empty.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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