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There are 18 seven-letter words containing I, M, O and Z

ATOMIZEatomize v. (Transitive) to separate or reduce into atoms.
atomize v. (Transitive) to make into a fine spray.
atomize v. (Transitive) to fragment, break into small pieces or concepts.
BROMIZEbromize v. (Photography, transitive) To prepare or treat with bromine.
BROMIZE v. to treat with bromine, also BROMISE.
IMBIZOSimbizos n. Plural of imbizo.
IMBIZO n. (Zulu) a gathering of people at the request of a chieftain.
ISOZYMEisozyme n. (Biochemistry) An isoenzyme.
ISOZYME n. one of several variants of the same enzyme occurring within a single species, also ISOENZYME.
MESTIZOmestizo n. A person of mixed ancestry, especially one of Spanish and Native American heritage.
mestizo n. (Philippines, historical) a person of mixed ancestry, especially one of native Filipino and Spanish…
MESTIZO n. (Spanish) a (male) person of mixed, esp. Spanish and American-Indian parentage, also MESTESO, MESTINO.
MOZZIESmozzies n. Plural of mozzie.
mozzies n. Plural of mozzy.
Mozzies n. Plural of Mozzie.
RHIZOMArhizoma n. Alternative form of rhizome.
RHIZOMA n. (Greek) a rootlike, underground stem, also RHIZOME.
RHIZOMErhizome n. (Botany) A horizontal, underground stem of some plants that sends out roots and shoots (scions) from its nodes.
rhizome n. (Philosophy, critical theory) A so-called “image of thought” that apprehends multiplicities.
RHIZOME n. (Greek) a rootlike, underground stem, also RHIZOMA.
ZAMPONIzamponi n. Plural of zampone.
ZAMPONE n. (Italian) a stuffed pigs' trotter sausage.
ZIMOCCAzimocca n. The marine sponge Spongia zimocca.
ZIMOCCA n. a type of bath-sponge.
ZOARIUMzoarium n. A colony of zooids.
ZOARIUM n. (Greek) a colony of zooids.
ZOECIUMzoecium n. Alternative form of zooecium.
ZOECIUM n. (Greek) a sac lived in by an aquatic organism, also ZOOECIUM.
ZOMBIESzombies n. Plural of zombie.
ZOMBIE n. in West Indian magic, a reanimated corpse, also ZOMBI.
ZOMBIFYzombify v. (Transitive, fiction) To turn into a zombie (a member of the living dead or undead).
zombify v. (Transitive, computing) To take control of (a computer) in order to use it covertly and illicitly.
zombify v. (Transitive, idiomatic) To deprive of authenticity or vitality; to render someone brainless or unthinking.
ZOMBOIDzomboid adj. (Informal) zombielike.
zomboid n. (Informal) A person who resembles a zombie.
ZOMBOID adj. resembling zombies.
ZOOMINGzooming v. Present participle of zoom.
zooming n. A sound or motion that zooms.
Zooming v. Present participle of Zoom.
ZYMOSISzymosis n. A fermentation; hence, an analogous process by which an infectious disease is believed to be developed.
zymosis n. A zymotic disease.
ZYMOSIS n. (Greek) fermentation.
ZYMOTICzymotic adj. (Pathology, now historical) Infectious, contagious, of diseases originally regarded as being caused…
zymotic adj. Of or causing fermentation.
ZYMOTIC adj. of the nature of, relating to or causing an infectious disease.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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