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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 13 seven-letter words containing I, L, T and X

EXILITYexility n. Thinness, smallness; a shrunken or meagre condition.
EXILITY n. (obsolete) slenderness, refinement.
EXPLOITexploit n. A heroic or extraordinary deed.
exploit n. An achievement.
exploit n. (Computing) A program or technique that exploits a vulnerability in other software.
FOXTAILfoxtail n. The tail of a fox.
foxtail n. A dry spikelet or spikelet seed and flower cluster of some grasses.
foxtail n. A plant having a part resembling the tail of a fox or such spikelet.
LAXISTSlaxists n. Plural of laxist.
LAXIST n. a person with low moral views.
LISTBOXlistbox n. Alternative form of list box.
list␣box n. (Graphical user interface) A GUI widget that allows the user to select one or more items from a list…
LISTBOX n. a box on a computer screen that contains a list of options.
OXTAILSoxtails n. Plural of oxtail.
OXTAIL n. the tail of an ox, esp. as used in soup.
SEXTILEsextile adj. (Astronomy, astrology) Of or denoting the aspect or position of any two celestial bodies separated by 60°.
sextile n. (Statistics) A quantile of six equal proportions; any of the subsets thus obtained.
sextile n. A segment that is a sixth of the whole.
SIXTHLYsixthly adv. In the sixth place; sixth in a row.
SIXTH adv. number six in sequence.
TEXTILEtextile n. (Usually in the plural) Any material made of interlacing fibres, including carpeting and geotextiles.
textile n. (Naturism) A non-nudist.
textile adj. (Naturism) Clothing compulsive.
TOXICALtoxical adj. Archaic form of toxic.
TOXICAL adj. of or pertaining to poison, also TOXIC.
TRIPLEXtriplex adj. Having three parts; triple or threefold.
triplex n. A building with three apartments or divisions.
triplex n. A dwelling unit with three floors.
ULEXITEulexite n. (Mineralogy) A white mineral with triclinic crystals, NaCaB5O9·8H2O.
ULEXITE n. a hydrous borate of lime and soda occurring in white rounded crystalline masses.
XYLITOLxylitol n. (Chemistry) A pentahydric alcohol, C5H12O5, penta-hydroxy pentane; derived from xylose; used as a sweetener.
XYLITOL n. a sweet crystalline alcohol obtained from xylose.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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