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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 14 seven-letter words containing I, L, P and V

PAHLAVIpahlavi n. (Historical) The principal gold coin of the Pahlavi dynasty (1925-1979).
Pahlavi prop.n. The Pahlavi script, a writing system derived from the Aramaic script and used to write several Iranian…
Pahlavi prop.n. The Middle Persian language rendered in Book Pahlavi.
PELVICSpelvics n. Plural of pelvic.
PELVIC n. a bone of the pelvis.
PIVOTALpivotal adj. Of, relating to, or being a pivot.
pivotal adj. Being of crucial importance; central, key.
PIVOTAL adj. critically important.
PLOSIVEplosive n. (Phonetics) Sound produced from opening a previously closed oral passage.
plosive adj. (Phonetics) Produced from opening a previously closed oral passage.
PLOSIVE n. an explosive (sound), as p.
PLUVIALpluvial adj. Of, pertaining to, or produced by rain.
pluvial adj. (Geology) occurring through the action of rain.
pluvial n. (Geology) a rainy period.
PLUVIANpluvian n. The crocodile bird.
pluvian adj. Rainy.
PLUVIUSPLUVIUS adj. as in pluvius insurance, an insurance cover taken out e.g. by the organizer of a fete against loss of takings due to rain.
PREVAILprevail v. (Intransitive) To be superior in strength, dominance, influence or frequency; to have or gain the advantage…
prevail v. (Intransitive) To be current, widespread or predominant; to have currency or prevalence.
prevail v. (Intransitive) To succeed in persuading or inducing.
PRIVILYprivily adv. (Archaic) Secretly, in secret; in a private manner; privately.
PRIVY adv. private.
PULVINIpulvini n. Plural of pulvinus.
PULVINUS n. (Latin) a swelling at the base of a stalk or leaf.
VAPIDLYvapidly adv. In a vapid manner; not inspiring; in a manner unlikely to make an impression.
VAPID adv. empty.
VOLPINOVolpino n. Short for Volpino Italiano (“an Italian breed of dog”).
VOLPINO n. (Italian) a small Italian dog with long straight hair.
VULPINEvulpine adj. Pertaining to a fox.
vulpine adj. Having the characteristics of a fox; foxlike; cunning.
vulpine n. Any of certain canids called foxes (including the true foxes, the arctic fox and the grey fox); distinguished…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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