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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing I, L, M and X

EXCLAIMexclaim v. (Intransitive) To cry out suddenly, from some strong emotion.
exclaim v. (Transitive) To say suddenly and with strong emotion.
exclaim n. (Obsolete) Exclamation; outcry, clamor.
LAXISMSLAXISM n. the belief that an unlikely opinion may be safely followed.
LEXEMIClexemic adj. Of or relating to a lexeme.
LEXEMIC adj. of or like a lexeme, one of the vocabulary items of a language.
MAILBOXmailbox n. (Chiefly US) A box into which mail is put.
mailbox n. (Computing) A folder or account for the storage of email; an electronic inbox or mailstore.
mail-box n. Alternative form of mailbox.
MAXILLAmaxilla n. (Anatomy, zootomy) Synonym of jaw.
maxilla n. (Zootomy) One of the first or second pair of mouthparts posterior to the mandibles in many arthropods…
MAXILLA n. (Latin) the bone of either the upper or the under jaw.
MAXIMALmaximal adj. Largest, greatest (in magnitude), highest, most.
maximal n. (Mathematics) The element of a set with the greatest magnitude.
maximal n. (Mathematics) Said of an ideal of a ring or a filter of a lattice: that it is as large as it can be…
MILIEUXmilieux n. Plural of milieu.
MILIEU n. (French) a social environment.
MIXABLEmixable adj. Capable of being mixed.
MIXABLE adj. capable of being mixed, also MISCIBLE, MIXIBLE.
MIXEDLYmixedly adv. In a mixed way; with mixture or variety.
MIXED adv. MIX, to combine together.
MIXIBLEmixible adj. Archaic form of miscible.
MIXIBLE adj. capable of being mixed, also MISCIBLE, MIXABLE.
SIMPLEXsimplex adj. Single, simple; not complex.
simplex adj. (Telecommunications) Unidirectional.
simplex n. (Geometry, algebraic topology) An analogue in a space of arbitrary dimensionality of the triangle or…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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