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There are 15 seven-letter words containing I, K and 2P

KEPPINGKEP v. (Scots) to catch.
KIPPAGEkippage n. (Chiefly Scotland, now rare, historical) Those sailing together on a ship, both crew and passengers.
kippage n. (Scotland, obsolete) Confusion, disorder.
kippage n. (Scotland, obsolete) A fit of temper; rage.
KIPPAHSkippahs n. Plural of kippah.
KIPPAH n. (Hebrew) a religious skullcap, aka yarmulka, also KIPPA.
KIPPERSkippers n. Plural of kipper.
Kippers prop.n. Plural of Kipper.
KIPPER v. to cure fish by salting and smoking.
KIPPINGkipping v. Present participle of kip.
Kipping prop.n. A surname.
KIP v. to sleep.
KOPPIESkoppies n. Plural of koppie.
KOPPIE n. (South African) a low hill, also KOPJE.
PAPRIKApaprika n. (Uncountable) Powdered spice made from dried and ground fruits of sweet pepper (bell pepper) or chili…
paprika n. (Countable) A variety of the spice.
paprika n. (Countable, rare, commonly called "dried [bell/chilli] peppers" or "dried capsicums") A dried but not…
PICKUPSpickups n. Plural of pickup.
pick-ups n. Plural of pick-up.
pick␣ups n. Plural of pick up.
PIPKINSpipkins n. Plural of pipkin.
Pipkins prop.n. Plural of Pipkin.
PIPKIN n. a small earthenware or metal cooking pot.
POCKPITpockpit n. A pockmark.
POCKPIT n. the scar left by a pock mark.
PORKPIEporkpie n. Alternative form of pork pie.
pork␣pie n. A shortcrust pie containing chopped pork.
pork␣pie n. A pork pie hat.
PUMPKINpumpkin n. A domesticated plant, in species Cucurbita pepo, similar in growth pattern, foliage, flower, and fruit…
pumpkin n. The round yellow or orange fruit of this plant.
pumpkin n. (Uncountable) The color of the fruit of the pumpkin plant.
SKIPPEDskipped v. Simple past tense and past participle of skip.
SKIP v. to move with light springing steps.
SKIPPERskipper n. (Nautical) The master of a ship.
skipper n. A coach, director, or other leader.
skipper n. (Sports) The captain of a sports team such as football, cricket, rugby or curling.
SKIPPETskippet n. (Obsolete) A small boat; a skiff.
skippet n. A small, round box used for keeping documents and seals or for covering seals attached to documents.
SKIPPET n. a small box for protecting an official seal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 57 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 3 words
  • Scrabble in German: 36 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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