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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 18 seven-letter words containing 2I, P and W

PERIWIGperiwig n. (Now historical) A wig, especially any kind of stylised wig as formerly worn by men and women.
periwig v. (Transitive) To dress with a periwig, or with false hair; to bewig.
PERIWIG n. (historical) a wig or peruke.
POWHIRIpowhiri n. Alternative form of pōhiri.
POWHIRI n. (Maori) a Maori ceremony of welcome to a marae, also POHIRI.
SWIPIERSWIPEY adj. fuddled with malt liquor.
SWIPINGswiping v. Present participle of swipe.
SWIPE v. to strike with a sweeping blow.
WAPITISwapitis n. Plural of wapiti.
WAPITI n. (Native American) a species of large deer native to North America.
WHIPPITwhippit n. Alternative form of whippet (“nitrous oxide cartridge”).
WHIPPIT n. a small canister of nitrous oxide.
WICKIUPwickiup n. A domed hut, similar to a wigwam, used by some semi-nomadic Native American tribes, particularly in…
WICKIUP n. (Native American) a North American Indian hut constructed with an oval frame and covered with grass or mats, also WICKYUP, WIKIUP.
WIKIUPSwikiups n. Plural of wikiup.
WIKIUP n. (Native American) a North American Indian hut constructed with an oval frame and covered with grass or mats, also WICKIUP, WICKYUP.
WIMPIERwimpier adj. Comparative form of wimpy: more wimpy.
WIMPY adj. ineffectual, also WIMPISH.
WIMPINGwimping v. Present participle of wimp.
WIMP v. to act like a wimp, as in the phrase to wimp out.
WIMPISHwimpish adj. Characteristic of a wimp.
WIMPISH adj. ineffectual, also WIMPY.
WINGTIPwingtip n. The extreme tip of the wing of an aircraft, bird, flying insect, etc.
wingtip n. A part of a shoe, often with brogueing that extends backwards on both sides from the toe.
WINGTIP n. the end of a wing.
WIPINGSwipings n. Plural of wiping.
WIPING n. the act of cleaning.
WISPIERwispier adj. Comparative form of wispy: more wispy.
WISPY adj. like a wisp, also WISPISH, WISPLIKE.
WISPILYwispily adv. In a wispy manner.
WISPY adv. like a wisp, also WISPISH, WISPLIKE.
WISPINGwisping v. Present participle of wisp.
WISP v. to twist into a small bundle.
WISPISHwispish adj. Wispy.
WISPISH adj. resembling a small bundle, also WISPY, WISPLIKE.
ZIPWIREzipwire n. Alternative form of zip-wire.
zipwire v. To install, or to ride on a zip-wire.
zip-wire n. Synonym of zipline.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 33 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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