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There are 16 seven-letter words containing 2I, O and U

BILIOUSbilious adj. Of or pertaining to something containing or consisting of bile.
bilious adj. Resembling bile, especially in color.
bilious adj. (Pathology) Suffering from real or supposed liver disorder, especially excessive secretions of bile.
BINIOUSbinious n. Plural of biniou.
BINIOU n. a small Breton bagpipe.
BIVIOUSbivious adj. (Rare) Having, or leading, two ways.
BIVIOUS adj. (obsolete) offering a choice; splitting between two directions.
BOUILLIbouilli n. Meat stewed with juice.
BOUILLI n. (French) boiled meat.
IMPIOUSimpious adj. Not pious.
impious adj. Lacking reverence or respect, especially towards a god.
IMPIOUS adj. not pious.
INVIOUSinvious adj. (Obsolete, poetic) untrodden.
invious adj. (Obsolete, poetic) impassable.
INVIOUS adj. impassable.
IONIUMSIONIUM n. a radioactive isotope of thorium.
NIMIOUSnimious adj. (Obsolete) Excessive; extravagant; inordinate.
NIMIOUS adj. overmuch, excessive; inordinate (now chiefly as a Scots legal term).
NIOBIUMniobium n. A chemical element (symbol Nb) with an atomic number of 41: a light grey, crystalline, ductile transition…
niobium n. (Countable) A single atom of this element.
NIOBIUM n. a metallic element, formerly called columbium.
OUSTITIoustiti n. (Archaic) A marmoset.
oustiti n. A tool for opening a locked door by turning an inner key from the outside.
OUSTITI n. (French) a lock-opening tool.
QUINOIDquinoid adj. (Organic chemistry) Having a structure based upon a quinone.
quinoid n. (Organic chemistry) Any substance whose structure is based upon a quinone.
QUINOID n. a quinonoid substance.
SIMIOUSsimious adj. (Archaic) simian; like a monkey.
TUITIONtuition n. (North American) A sum of money paid for instruction (such as in a high school, boarding school, university…
tuition n. The training or instruction provided by a teacher or tutor.
tuition n. (Archaic) Care, guardianship.
UNITIONunition n. (Obsolete) Union; the act of uniting, or the state of being united.
UNITION n. conjunction.
VICIOUSvicious adj. Violent, destructive and cruel.
vicious adj. Savage and aggressive.
vicious adj. (Archaic) Pertaining to vice; characterised by immorality or depravity.
VITIOUSvitious adj. Obsolete form of vicious.
VITIOUS adj. vicious in the specific legal sense of impaired, nullified by a flaw.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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