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There are 16 seven-letter words containing 2I, L and Z

ALBIZIAalbizia n. A plant of the genus Albizia; a siris or silk tree.
Albizia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Fabaceae – tropical and subtropical trees and shrubs called silk…
ALBIZIA n. any of a genus of subtropical and tropical trees and shrubs in the mimosa subfamily, also ALBIZZIA.
ALIZARIalizari n. (Archaic) The madder of the Levant; wild madder (Rubia peregrina).
ALIZARI n. a Mediterranean plant which yields a dye.
DIZZILYdizzily adv. In a dizzy manner.
DIZZY adv. giddy.
FIZZILYfizzily adv. In a fizzy way.
FIZZY adv. fizzing.
IDOLIZEidolize v. To make an idol of, or to worship as an idol.
idolize v. To adore excessively; to revere immoderately.
IDOLIZE v. to worship, also IDOLISE.
LAICIZElaicize v. (Transitive) To convert from church-controlled to independent of the church; to secularize.
laicize v. (Transitive) To reduce from clergy to layman.
laicize v. (Intransitive) To convert to lay status.
LAIRIZElairize v. (Obsolete, slang) To act in a flashy manner.
LAIRIZE v. (Australian) tto act like a flashy man, also LAIRISE.
LIONIZElionize v. (Transitive) To treat (a person) as if they were important, or a celebrity.
lionize v. (Transitive) To visit (a famous place) in order to revere it.
LIONIZE v. to treat as a celebrity, also LIONISE.
LIZZIESlizzies n. Plural of lizzie.
LIZZIE n. as in tin lizzie, an old car.
RITZILYritzily adv. In a ritzy fashion.
RITZY adv. pretentious.
TAILZIEtailzie n. (Law, Scotland) An entailment or deed whereby the legal course of succession is cut off, and an arbitrary…
TAILZIE n. (Scots) an entailment or deed whereby the legal course of succession is cut off, and an arbitrary one substituted, also TAILLIE, TAILYE.
TUILZIETUILZIE v. (Scots) to struggle, brawl, also TUILYIE.
UTILIZEutilize v. (US, Canada, Oxford) Alternative spelling of utilise.
UTILIZE v. to make use of, also UTILISE.
ZILLIONzillion n. (Slang, hyperbolic) An unspecified large number (of); a gazillion.
ZILLION n. an extremely large but unspecified number, many millions.
ZIPLINEzipline n. A pulley suspended on a cable mounted on an incline, designed to enable a user to travel from one point…
zipline n. A trip on a zipline.
zipline v. To travel by zipline.
ZIPPILYzippily adv. In a zippy manner.
ZIPPY adv. full of zip, energy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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