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There are 20 seven-letter words containing 2I, L and W

LEWISIAlewisia n. Any plant of the genus Lewisia.
LEWISIA n. a perennial herb with pink and white flowers.
SWILINGSWILING n. the activity of hunting seals.
TWIBILLtwibill n. (Carpentry) A two-edged tool used in gate-type hurdle-making for cutting out mortises, with a flat chisel…
twibill n. (Dialectal, Britain) A mattock with one blade like an axe and the other like an adze.
twibill n. (Dialectal, England) A reaping hook, especially for cutting beans and peas.
TWIBILStwibils n. Plural of twibil.
TWIBIL n. a battleaxe with two cutting edges, also TWIBILL.
WAILINGwailing n. A loud drawn out scream or howl.
wailing v. Present participle of wail.
WAILING adj. making a wailing sound.
WHILINGwhiling v. Present participle of while.
WHILE v. to pass time pleasantly.
WIGLIKEwiglike adj. Like a wig.
WIGLIKE adj. like a wig.
WILDINGwilding n. A wild apple or apple tree.
wilding n. Any plant that grows wild; a wildflower, etc.
wilding v. Present participle of wild.
WILDISHwildish adj. Somewhat wild.
Wildish prop.n. A surname.
WILDISH adj. somewhat wild.
WILIESTwiliest adj. Superlative form of wily: most wily.
WILY adj. crafty.
WILLIAMWilliam prop.n. A male given name from the Germanic languages popular since the Norman Conquest.
William prop.n. A surname.
WILLIAM n. as in sweet william, a flowering plant.
WILLIEDwillied v. Simple past tense and past participle of willy.
willied adj. (Slang, in combination) Having a specified kind of penis.
WILLY v. to clean in a willowing-machine, also WILLEY.
WILLIESwillies n. Plural of willy.
willies n. (Colloquial, with "the") A feeling of nervousness or fear.
Willies prop.n. Plural of Willy.
WILLINGwilling adj. Ready to do something that is not (can’t be expected as) a matter of course.
willing n. (Rare or obsolete) The execution of a will.
willing v. Present participle of will.
WILTINGwilting v. Present participle of wilt.
wilting n. A wilt, especially one that affects multiple plants.
WILT v. to become limp.
WINDILYwindily adv. In a manner of or like the wind.
windily adv. In a twisting or winding fashion.
WINDY adv. related to wind.
WIRILDAwirilda n. An Australian acacia tree, Acacia retinodes, which has edible seeds.
WIRILDA n. (Native Australian) an Australian acacia tree.
WISPILYwispily adv. In a wispy manner.
WISPY adv. like a wisp, also WISPISH, WISPLIKE.
WITLINGwitling n. A person who feigns wit, pretending or aspiring to be witty.
witling n. A person with very little wit.
WITLING n. one who considers himself witty.
WITTILYwittily adv. In a witty manner; using wit.
WITTY adv. possessed of wit, clever.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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