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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 8 six-letter words containing I, O, T and X

EXOTICexotic adj. Foreign, especially in an exciting way.
exotic adj. Non-native to the ecosystem.
exotic adj. (Finance) Being or relating to an option with features that make it more complex than commonly traded options.
NITROXnitrox n. (Metallurgy) An industrial process for case hardening (imparting greater surface hardness to) metal…
nitrox n. (Underwater diving) A mixture of nitrogen and oxygen, the nitrogen content being lower than that of…
NITROX n. a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen, used in underwater breathing apparatus.
OXTAILoxtail n. The tail of an ox or cow.
oxtail n. A cut of meat taken from the tail of a cow or calf; it requires long, slow braising, and is used to…
OXTAIL n. the tail of an ox, esp. as used in soup.
TOXICStoxics n. (Waste processing) Toxic waste.
TOXIC n. a poison.
TOXINEtoxine n. Archaic form of toxin.
TOXINE n. a poisonous product formed by pathogenic bacteria, as a toxic proteid or poisonous ptomaine, also TOXIN.
TOXINStoxins n. Plural of toxin.
TOXIN n. a poisonous product formed by pathogenic bacteria, as a toxic proteid or poisonous ptomaine, also TOXINE.
TOXOIDtoxoid n. A toxin that has had its toxic properties removed, but retains its ability to generate an immune response.
TOXOID n. a toxin treated to reduce toxicity and used in immunisation.
XYSTOIxystoi n. Plural of xystos.
XYSTOS n. (Greek) a long covered portico or court used by ancient Greek athletes for exercises, also XYST, XYSTUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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