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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 11 six-letter words containing I, 2O and Z

BORZOIborzoi n. A dog of a particular breed, similar in shape to a greyhound but with longer silkier hair.
BORZOI n. (Russian) a kind of wolfhound.
DOOZIEdoozie n. Alternative spelling of doozy.
DOOZIE n. an extraordinary one of its kind, also DOOZER, DOOZY.
OOZIERoozier adj. Comparative form of oozy: more oozy.
OOZY adj. oozing.
OOZILYoozily adv. In an oozy manner.
OOZY adv. oozing.
OOZINGoozing v. Present participle of ooze.
oozing n. (Countable, uncountable) Something that oozes; a seepage.
oozing n. (Uncountable) Synonym of stringing (“defect in 3D printing”).
OZONICozonic adj. Of or pertaining to ozone.
OZONIC adj. pertaining to ozone.
ZONOIDzonoid n. (Mathematics) A vector sum of line segments.
ZONOID n. a finite vector sum of line segments.
ZOOIDSzooids n. Plural of zooid.
zoöids n. Plural of zoöid.
ZOOID n. an organic cell capable of independent movement.
ZOOIERzooier adj. Comparative form of zooey: more zooey.
ZOOEY adj. like a zoo.
ZOONICzoonic adj. Of or pertaining to animals; obtained from animal substances.
ZOONIC adj. relating to animals.
ZORINOzorino n. (Dated) skunk fur used to make clothing.
ZORINO n. (Spanish) a euphemism for skunk fur as used to make garments.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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