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There are 20 six-letter words containing I, M and 2N

AMNIONamnion n. (Anatomy) The innermost membrane of the fetal membranes of reptiles, birds, and mammals; the sac in…
AMNION n. (Greek) the innermost membrane enveloping the embryo of reptiles, birds and mammals.
BINMANbinman n. (Less common) Alternative spelling of bin man.
bin␣man n. (Britain) A man with the job of collecting refuse from people’s homes and transporting it to a refuse…
BINMAN n. a refuse disposal man.
BINMENbinmen n. Plural of binman.
bin␣men n. Plural of bin man.
BINMAN n. a refuse disposal man.
MENINGMENE v. (Scots) to lament, moan, also MEANE, MEIN.
MENINXmeninx n. (Anatomy, usually in the plural) A membrane, especially one of the three membranes lining the skull…
MENINX n. (Greek) any of the membranes enclosing the brain and spinal cord.
MIGNONmignon adj. Small and cute; pretty in a delicate way; dainty.
mignon n. (Rare, obsolete) A cute or pretty person; a dandy; a pretty child.
mignon n. (Historical) One of the court favourites of Henry III of France.
MININGmining n. The activity of removing solid valuables from the earth.
mining n. (Figuratively) Any activity that extracts or undermines.
mining n. (Military) The activity of placing mines (the explosive devices).
MINIONminion n. A loyal servant of another, usually a more powerful being.
minion n. A sycophantic follower.
minion n. (Obsolete) A loved one; one highly esteemed and favoured.
MINNIEminnie n. (Obsolete, informal, Northern England) mother; mummy.
Minnie prop.n. A diminutive of the female names Wilhelmina, Minerva, Mary, Mina and Mamie. Popular as a formal female…
Minnie prop.n. A surname.
MINNOWminnow n. A small freshwater fish of the carp family, Phoxinus phoxinus and related species.
minnow n. Any small fish.
minnow n. A relatively small and insignificant person or organization.
MINYANminyan n. The minimum number of ten (male) adult Jews required for a communal religious service.
minyan n. (By extension) A Jewish prayer service.
Minyan n. (Greek mythology) A member of a race said to be autochthonous to the Aegean area.
MUNTINmuntin n. (Architecture) One of the separators between panes of glass in a composite window.
MUNTIN n. the vertical framing piece between door panels, also MUNTING.
NAMINGnaming n. The process of giving names to things.
naming n. A ritual or ceremony in which a person’s name is given or announced.
naming v. Present participle of name.
NANISMnanism n. (Biology, medicine) Unusually small size, as the result of a developmental abnormality.
NANISM n. abnormal smallness.
NINCOMnincom n. (Dated, informal) A fool; a nincompoop.
NINCOM n. (short for) nincompoop, also NINCUM.
NINCUMnincum n. Alternative form of nincom.
NINCUM n. (short for) nincompoop, also NINCOM.
NOMINAnomina n. Plural of nomen.
NOMEN n. (Latin) a name, esp. of the gens or clan.
NUMINAnumina n. Plural of numen.
NUMEN n. (Latin) a local or presiding divinity; a god in human form.
TINMANtinman n. A maker of tinware; a tinsmith.
tinman n. A dealer in tinware.
tinman n. An uncaring or heartless man; a man lacking, or seeming to lack, feelings, emotions, or concern for others.
TINMENtinmen n. Plural of tinman.
tin␣men n. Plural of tin man.
TINMAN n. a worker in tin; a dresser of tin ore.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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