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There are 18 six-letter words containing I, 2M and R

DIMMERdimmer n. A rheostat that is used to vary the intensity of a domestic electric light.
dimmer n. A switch used to select between the low and high headlamp beam on a road vehicle. (usually as "dimmer…
dimmer adj. Comparative form of dim: more dim.
GIMMERgimmer n. (Northern English dialect) A ewe between one and two years old.
GIMMER n. (Scots) a young ewe.
GIMMORGIMMOR n. (Shakespeare) a pair of interlocked rings, also GIMMAL, GYMMAL.
IMMUREimmure v. (Transitive) To cloister, confine, imprison or hole up: to lock someone up or seclude oneself behind walls.
immure v. (Transitive) To put or bury within a wall.
immure v. To wall in.
KIMMERkimmer n. Alternative form of cummer.
KIMMER n. (Scots) a godmother, also CUMMER.
LIMMERlimmer n. (Scotland) A rogue; a low, base fellow.
limmer n. A promiscuous woman.
limmer n. A limehound; a leamer.
MAIMERmaimer n. Agent noun of maim; one who maims.
MAIMER n. one who maims.
MEGRIMmegrim n. (Now rare) A headache; a migraine.
megrim n. (Now rare) A fancy, a whim, a caprice.
megrim n. (In the plural) See megrims (“depression; any of various diseases of animals”).
MEMOIRmemoir n. An autobiography; a book describing the personal experiences of an author.
memoir n. A biography; a book describing the experiences of a subject from personal knowledge of the subject or…
memoir n. Any form of narrative describing the personal experiences of a writer.
MERISMmerism n. (Literature, rhetoric) A reference to something by its polar extremes, as in "we searched high and low".
merism n. (Literature, rhetoric) A reference to something by a list of its parts.
MERISM n. repetition of parts.
MIMBARmimbar n. A pulpit in a mosque from which the leader of prayers delivers the khutbah.
MIMBAR n. (Arabic) a mosque pulpit, also MINBAR.
MIMERSmimers n. Plural of mimer.
MIMER n. one that mimes.
MIMMERmimmer v. (Transitive, rare) To dote; dream; mammer.
mimmer n. Alternative form of mummer.
MIM adj. prim, demure, prudish, also MIMSEY, MIMSY.
MOMOIRmomoir n. (North America, informal) A memoir written by or about a mother.
MOMOIR n. a memoir written by a mother, concentrating on the experience of motherhood.
NIMMERnimmer n. A petty thief.
Nimmer prop.n. A surname from German.
NIMMER n. a thief.
RIMMEDrimmed adj. (Often in combination) having a rim.
rimmed v. Simple past tense and past participle of rim.
RIM v. to provide with an outer edge.
RIMMERrimmer n. An implement for cutting, trimming, or ornamenting the rim of anything, as the edges of pies, etc.
rimmer n. A mixture of confections, spices, and/or salt applied to the rim of a beverage glass or mug.
rimmer n. (Vulgar, slang) One who performs a rim-job (anal-oral sex).
SIMMERsimmer v. (Intransitive) To cook or undergo heating slowly at or below the boiling point.
simmer v. (Transitive) To cause to cook or to cause to undergo heating slowly at or below the boiling point.
simmer v. (Intransitive, figurative) To be on the point of breaking out into anger; to be agitated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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