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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 19 six-letter words containing I, K, M and U

BUMKINbumkin n. (Nautical) A short outrigger projecting from the side of the aft part of a square-rigged sailing ship…
BUMKIN n. a spar projecting from the stern of ship, also BOOMKIN, BUMPKIN.
DINKUMdinkum adj. (Australia, New Zealand, slang) Genuine, true, honest, on the level.
dinkum n. (Australia, New Zealand, slang, rare, obsolete) Hard work.
dinkum n. (Australia, New Zealand, slang, dated) Truth.
KALIUMkalium n. (Obsolete) Potassium.
KALIUM n. an old name for potassium.
KOUMISkoumis n. Alternative form of koumiss.
KOUMIS n. (Russian) a beverage made from camel's milk, also KOUMISS, KOUMYS, KOUMYSS, KUMIS, KUMISS, KUMYS.
KUMARIkumari n. (Hinduism, chiefly Nepal) A living goddess; a prepubescent girl worshipped as a manifestation of divine female energy.
Kumari prop.n. A surname from Sanskrit.
Kumari prop.n. A female given name from Sanskrit.
KUMISSkumiss n. Alternative spelling of koumiss.
KUMISS n. (Russian) a beverage made from camel's milk, also KOUMIS, KOUMISS, KOUMYS, KOUMYSS, KUMYS.
KUMITEkumite n. The aspect of karate in which a person trains against an adversary, using the techniques learned from…
KUMITE n. (Japanese) freestyle martial arts fighting or sparring.
MOUJIKmoujik n. Alternative spelling of mujik.
MOUJIK n. (Russian) a Russian peasant, also MUZHIK, MUJIK, MUZJIK.
MUJIKSmujiks n. Plural of mujik.
MUJIK n. (Russian) a Russian peasant, also MOUJIK, MUZHIK, MUZJIK.
MUSICKmusick n. Obsolete spelling of music.
Musick prop.n. A surname.
MUSICK v. to compose music for.
MUSKIEmuskie n. (Informal) muskellunge; a large freshwater gamefish of the pike family.
Muskie prop.n. A surname.
MUSKIE n. (short for) a muskellunge, a freshwater fish native to North America, also MASKALLONGE, MASKALONGE, MASKANONGE, MASKINONGE, MUSKELLUNGE.
MUSKITmuskit n. Eye dialect spelling of musket.
MUSKIT n. (Nahuatl) a name for two trees of the southwestern part of North America, the honey mesquite, and screw-pod mesquite, also MESQUIT, MESQUITE, MEZQUIT, MEZQUITE.
MUZHIKmuzhik n. Alternative spelling of mujik.
MUZHIK n. (Russian) a Russian peasant, also MOUJIK, MUJIK, MUZJIK.
MUZJIKmuzjik n. Alternative spelling of mujik.
MUZJIK n. (Russian) a Russian peasant, also MUZHIK, MOUJIK, MUJIK.
NICKUMnickum n. (Scotland) A mischievous person; a scallywag.
NICKUM n. (Scots) a mischievous boy.
RUMAKIrumaki n. A mock-Polynesian hors d’oeuvre, usually made from water chestnuts and pieces of duck or chicken liver…
RUMAKI n. (Japanese) an appetizer, marinated chicken liver and a water chestnut grilled in a rasher of bacon.
RUMKINrumkin n. (Obsolete, humorous) A drinking vessel.
rumkin n. A tailless fowl.
RUMKIN n. (obsolete) a kind of drinking vessel.
UMIACKumiack n. Dated form of umiak.
UMIACK n. (Inuit) an Eskimo canoe, also OOMIAC, OOMIACK, OOMIAK, UMIAC, UMIAK, UMIAQ.
UMIAKSumiaks n. Plural of umiak.
UMIAK n. (Inuit) an Inuit canoe, also OOMIAC, OOMIACK, OOMIAK, UMIAC, UMIACK, UMIAQ.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 66 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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