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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 19 six-letter words containing I, K, L and U

KALIUMkalium n. (Obsolete) Potassium.
KALIUM n. an old name for potassium.
KALUKIkaluki n. Alternative form of kalooki.
KALUKI n. a card game similar to rummy, using two packs of cards and two jokers, also KALOOKI, KALOOKIE.
KIDULTkidult n. (Informal, marketing, sociology) An adult who participates in youth culture and activities traditionally…
KIDULT n. (slang) a film or video for an adult or child audience.
KILLUTkillut n. Alternative form of khalat.
KILLUT n. (Hindi) an Indian robe of honour, also KELLAUT, KHALAT, KHILAT.
KITTULkittul n. A palm, Caryota urens, native to the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia that yields a sap from which…
kittul n. (Uncountable) A fiber obtained from the leaves of the palm.
KITTUL n. (Sinhalese) the jaggery palm; a fibre obtained from the leafstalks of this, used for making ropes, brushes, etc., also KITUL.
KITULSKITUL n. (Sinhalese) the jaggery palm; a fibre obtained from the leafstalks of this, used for making ropes, brushes, etc., also KITTUL.
KUDLIKkudlik n. (Canada, historical) A type of soapstone lamp used by the Inuit, a qulliq.
KUDLIK n. (Inuit) a soapstone seal-oil lamp, also QULLIQ.
KULAKIkulaki n. Plural of kulak.
KULAK n. (Russian) a rich peasant.
KULFISkulfis n. Plural of kulfi.
KULFI n. (Hindi) an Indian dessert made by freezing milk which has been concentrated by boiling away some of the water in it, and flavoured with nuts and cardamom seeds.
LIKUTAlikuta n. (Historical) A former unit of currency, one hundredth of a zaïre.
LIKUTA n. (Bantu) a monetary unit of Zaire.
LINKUPlinkup n. A connection.
linkup n. The act of connecting.
linkup n. (Climbing) enchainment.
LUCKIELuckie prop.n. A surname.
LUCKIE n. an elderly woman who keeps an alehouse, also LUCKY.
PIKULSpikuls n. Plural of pikul.
Pikuls prop.n. Plural of Pikul.
PIKUL n. (Malay) a Chinese weight, also PICUL.
SALUKISaluki n. (Cynology) An ancient sighthound breed of dog with a silky coat originating in the Middle East, once…
SALUKI n. (Arabic) a greyhound-like Arab dog, aka gazelle hound.
SUSLIKsuslik n. Any of several large Eurasian squirrels, of the genera Citellus or Spermophilus.
suslik n. The fur of these animals.
SUSLIK n. (Russian) a ground squirrel, also SOUSLIK.
ULIKONulikon n. Alternative form of eulachon.
ULIKON n. (Native American) the north Pacific candlefish, also EULACHAN, EULACHON, OOLACHAN, OOLAKAN, OOLICHAN, OULACHON, OULAKAN, ULICON.
UNLIKEunlike adj. Not like; dissimilar (to); having no resemblance.
unlike adj. Unequal.
unlike adj. (Archaic) Not likely; improbable; unlikely.
UNLINKunlink v. (Transitive) To decouple; to remove a link from, or separate the links of.
unlink v. (Transitive, computing, Unix) To delete (a file).
unlink n. (Mathematics, knot theory) A link that is equivalent (under ambient isotopy) to finitely many disjoint…
UPLINKuplink n. The portion of a communications link used for the transmission of signals from an Earth terminal to…
uplink n. (By analogy, less formally) The communication path from a mobile device to a base station, a consumer…
uplink n. Data transmission from a data station to the headend.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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