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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 11 six-letter words containing I, J, N and S

DJINNSdjinns n. Plural of djinn.
DJINN n. a supernatural being in Muslim mythology, also DJIN, DJINNI, DJINNY, GENIE, JANN, JIN, JINN, JINNEE, JINNI.
JASMINjasmin n. Archaic form of jasmine.
Jasmin prop.n. A female given name from Persian.
JASMIN n. a genus of oleaceous climbing shrubs, also GESSAMINE, JASMINE, JESSAMINE, JESSAMY.
JIMSONjimson n. Jimsonweed.
JIMSON n. a type of poisonous plant with white flowers and shiny fruits, also JIMPSON.
JINNISjinnis n. Plural of jinni.
JINNI n. (Arabic) a supernatural being in Muslim mythology, also DJIN, DJINN, DJINNI, DJINNY, GENIE, JANN, JIN, JINN, JINNEE.
JINXESjinxes n. Plural of jinx.
JINX v. to bring bad luck to.
JOINTSjoints n. Plural of joint.
joints v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of joint.
JOINT v. to fit together by means of a junction.
JOSKINjoskin n. A yokel, country bumpkin.
JOSKIN n. (slang) a clown, yokel.
KANJISkanjis n. (Rare) plural of kanji.
KANJI n. (Japanese) the characters in Japanese orthography which originate from written Chinese.
NINJASninjas n. Plural of ninja.
ninjas v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ninja.
NINJA n. (Japanese) one of a body of trained assassins and spies in feudal Japan, skilled in ninjitsu.
PUNJISpunjis n. Plural of punji.
PUNJI n. a sharpened bamboo stick.
SHINJUshinju n. (BDSM) The binding of the female breasts.
shinju n. In Japan, an act of joint suicide by two or more people bound by love, such as romantic partners or family members.
Shinju prop.n. A Japanese female given name from Japanese.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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