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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 9 six-letter words containing I, J, N and R

INJERAinjera n. A pancake-like flatbread made from fermented teff flour, a traditional food of Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia…
INJERA n. a type of Ethiopian bread made from soured tef flour.
INJUREinjure v. (Transitive) To wound or cause physical harm to a living creature.
injure v. (Transitive) To damage or impair.
injure v. (Transitive) To do injustice to.
INJURYinjury n. Damage to the body of a living thing.
injury n. Other forms of damage sustained by a living thing, e.g. psychologically.
injury n. The violation of a person’s reputation, rights, property, or interests.
JARINAjarina n. The hard white endosperm of the seeds of the tagua, resembling ivory.
JARINA n. the hard seed of a palm tree.
JERKINjerkin n. (Historical) A type of men’s garment popular in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries: a close-fitting…
jerkin n. A sleeveless jacket, usually leather; a long waistcoat.
jerkin n. Alternative form of gyrkin.
JINKERjinker n. (Australia) A high wheeled wagon designed to carry lumber suspended under the body of the vehicle.
JINKER n. (Australian slang) a light horse-drawn passenger carriage.
JINKER v. to transport in a jinker.
JOINERjoiner n. A maker of wooden furniture or fittings.
joiner n. A woodworking machine used to prepare edges of wooden elements to join to other wood pieces.
joiner n. A thing that joins two separate items, e.g. software to connect video or music clips.
JUNIORjunior adj. (Comparable) Low in rank; having a subordinate role, job, or situation.
junior adj. (Not comparable, often preceded by a possessive adjective or a possessive form of a noun) Younger.
junior adj. (Not comparable) Belonging to a younger person, or an earlier time of life.
REJOINrejoin v. To join again; to unite after separation.
rejoin v. To come, or go, again into the presence of; to join the company of again.
rejoin v. (Archaic) To state in reply.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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