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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 10 six-letter words containing I, J, M and S

EMOJISemojis n. Plural of emoji.
EMOJI n. (Japanese) a standardized image with a specific meaning, used in electronic communication.
JASMINjasmin n. Archaic form of jasmine.
Jasmin prop.n. A female given name from Persian.
JASMIN n. a genus of oleaceous climbing shrubs, also GESSAMINE, JASMINE, JESSAMINE, JESSAMY.
JIMSONjimson n. Jimsonweed.
JIMSON n. a type of poisonous plant with white flowers and shiny fruits, also JIMPSON.
JISSOMjissom n. Alternative spelling of jism.
JISSOM n. (colloquial) energy, force; semen, also GISM, JISM.
MAJLISmajlis n. A council, assembly, or public meeting, in some Muslim countries or territories.
majlis n. The parliament of Iran.
Majlis n. Alternative form of majlis.
MASJIDmasjid n. (Islam) A mosque.
MASJID n. (Arabic) a mosque, also MUSJID.
MEJLISmejlis n. Alternative form of majlis.
Mejlis n. Alternative form of majlis.
MEJLIS n. (Arabic) an assembly or council in various North African and Middle Eastern countries, also MAJLIS.
MUJIKSmujiks n. Plural of mujik.
MUJIK n. (Russian) a Russian peasant, also MOUJIK, MUZHIK, MUZJIK.
MUSJIDmusjid n. Archaic form of masjid (“Islamic mosque”).
MUSJID n. (Arabic) a mosque, also MASJID.
OJIMESojimes n. Plural of ojime.
OJIME n. (Japanese) a carved bead through which to pass the two cords attached to a Japanese inro and which when slid down keeps the cords fastened.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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