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There are 7 six-letter words containing 2I, O and V

VIBRIOvibrio n. Any of several bacteria, of the genus Vibrio, shaped like a curved rod.
Vibrio prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Vibrionaceae – gram-negative bacteria possessing a curved rod shape…
VIBRIO n. a bacterium with a slight spiral curve, also VIBRION.
VIDIOTvidiot n. (Derogatory, informal) A passive, undiscriminating consumer of video media.
VIDIOT n. a habitual undiscriminating viewer of television.
VIOLINviolin n. A small unfretted stringed instrument with four strings tuned (lowest to highest) G-D-A-E, usually held…
violin n. (Inexact, sometimes proscribed) Any instrument of the violin family, always inclusive of violins, violas…
violin n. (Music, metonymically) The position of a violinist in an orchestra or group.
VIRINOvirino n. (Biology) A hypothetical infectious particle, consisting of nucleic acids in a protective coat of host…
VIRINO n. a hypothetical particle said to be the cause of BSE.
VIRIONvirion n. (Virology) A single individual particle of a virus (the viral equivalent of a cell).
VIRION n. a virus particle in its mature, infectious state.
VIROIDviroid n. A short section of RNA but without the protein coat typical of viruses, that are plant pathogens.
viroid n. Certain defective viruses, such as hepatitis D, a human pathogen.
VIROID n. a viruslike plant pathogen.
VISIONvision n. (Uncountable) The sense or ability of sight.
vision n. (Countable) Something seen; an object perceived visually.
vision n. (Countable) Something imaginary one thinks one sees.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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