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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 10 six-letter words containing 2I, M and U

BIVIUMbivium n. (Zoology) One side of an echinoderm, including a pair of ambulacra, in distinction from the opposite…
BIVIUM n. (Latin) in echinoderms, the two rays enclosing the madreporite.
CILIUMcilium n. (Cytology) A short microscopic hairlike organelle projecting from a eukaryotic cell (such as a unicellular…
cilium n. (Entomology) One of the fine hairs along an insect’s wing.
cilium n. (Botany) Hairs or similar protrusions along the margin of an organ.
INDIUMindium n. A chemical element (symbol In) with an atomic number of 49: a soft silvery-white metal.
indium n. A single atom of this element.
INDIUM n. a metallic element.
IONIUMionium n. (Physics) The isotope of thorium 23090Th.
IONIUM n. a radioactive isotope of thorium.
LIMULILIMULUS n. (Latin) a horseshoe crab, also LIMULOID.
MILIEUmilieu n. An environment or setting; a medium.
milieu n. (Specifically) A social environment or setting.
milieu n. A group of people with a common point of view; a social class or group.
MILIUMmilium n. (Dermatology) A keratin-filled cyst that can appear just under the epidermis or on the roof of the mouth.
MILIUM n. (Latin) a small, whitish lump in the skin caused by the blockage of a sebaceous gland.
MINIUMminium n. (Now historical) Cinnabar, especially when used as a pigment; vermilion.
minium n. Red lead.
MINIUM n. (Latin) a red pigment.
OIDIUMoidium n. A fragile spore produced by some fungi.
oidium n. The fungus Erysiphe necator (= Uncinula necator), which produces powdery mildew in grapes.
Oidium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Erysiphaceae – fungi, mainly comprising plant pathogens causing…
SURIMIsurimi n. A white paste, made from ground fish, that is used to make formed and textured food products.
SURIMI n. (Japanese) synthetic Japanese crabmeat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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