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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 11 six-letter words containing 2I, L and U

CILIUMcilium n. (Cytology) A short microscopic hairlike organelle projecting from a eukaryotic cell (such as a unicellular…
cilium n. (Entomology) One of the fine hairs along an insect’s wing.
cilium n. (Botany) Hairs or similar protrusions along the margin of an organ.
FILIUSFILIUS n. (Latin) a son.
HUIPILhuipil n. A traditional blouse worn by the women of various indigenous peoples of Central America including the…
HUIPIL n. (Spanish) a Mexican embroidered blouse or dress.
ILLUPIillupi n. Alternative form of iluppai.
ILLUPI n. (Tamil) the mahwa tree, also ILLIPE.
INULINinulin n. (Biochemistry) A polysaccharide found in the roots and tubers of certain plants, especially the Compositae;…
INULIN n. a carbohydrate got from elecampane roots.
LIMULILIMULUS n. (Latin) a horseshoe crab, also LIMULOID.
LIQUIDliquid n. A substance that is flowing, and keeping no shape, such as water; a substance of which the molecules…
liquid n. (Phonetics) Any of a class of consonant sounds that includes l and r.
liquid adj. Flowing freely like water; fluid; not solid and not gaseous; composed of particles that move freely…
MILIEUmilieu n. An environment or setting; a medium.
milieu n. (Specifically) A social environment or setting.
milieu n. A group of people with a common point of view; a social class or group.
MILIUMmilium n. (Dermatology) A keratin-filled cyst that can appear just under the epidermis or on the roof of the mouth.
MILIUM n. (Latin) a small, whitish lump in the skin caused by the blockage of a sebaceous gland.
TITULItituli n. Plural of titulus.
TITULUS n. a sign on a cross giving a crucified person's name and crime.
ULITISulitis n. (Medicine) inflammation of the gums.
ULITIS n. inflammation of the gums.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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