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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 14 five-letter words containing I, R, S and U

AURISAURIS n. (Latin) the ear.
CURSIcursi n. Plural of cursus.
CURSUS n. (Latin) an elongated prehistoric earthwork.
KURISKURI n. (Maori) a mongrel, an extinct native dog, also GOORY, GOORIE.
MUIRSMUIR n. (Scots) a moor.
PURISpuris n. Plural of puri.
PURI n. (Hindi) in India, a small cake of unleavened bread fried in vegetable oil, also POORI.
RIMUSrimus n. Plural of rimu.
RIMU n. (Maori) a coniferous New Zealand tree.
RISUSRISUS n. (Latin) a laugh; a grin.
RUDISRUDI n. (in Jamaica) a member of a group of lower- or working-class teenagers in the 1960s, noted for listening to ska music and for juvenile delinquency, also RUDY.
RUINSruins n. Plural of ruin.
ruins v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ruin.
RUIN v. to destroy.
SHIURshiur n. A lesson on a topic in the Tanakh.
SHIUR n. (Hebrew) a lesson, esp. one in which a passage of the Talmud is studied together by a group of people.
SIEURSIEUR n. (French) an old French title of respect for a man.
SIRUPsirup n. Dated form of syrup.
sirup v. Dated form of syrup.
SIRUP n. a saturated solution of sugar boiled to prevent fermentation, also SYRUP.
URSIDursid n. (Zoology) Any species of the family Ursidae; a bear, a giant panda, or any of certain extinct relatives.
Ursid n. (Astronomy) Any meteor from a radiant in the constellation Ursa Minor.
URSID n. a meteor.
VIRUSvirus n. A submicroscopic, non-cellular structure consisting of a core of DNA or RNA surrounded by a protein…
virus n. (Uncountable) A quantity of such infectious agents.
virus n. (Informal, metonymically) A disease caused by such an infectious agent; a viral illness.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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