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There are 19 five-letter words containing I, N, T and U

CUNITCUNIT n. one hundred cubic feet.
CUTINcutin n. (Biochemistry) A waxy polymer of hydroxy acids that is the main constituent of plant cuticle.
cut-in n. (Film) A section of film inserted into another sequence.
cut-in n. (Video games, by extension) A visual sequence focusing on a character’s face or body while they perform…
INCUTincut adj. Set in by or as if by cutting.
incut adj. (Printing) Inserted in a reserved space of the text instead of in the main margin.
INCUT n. in rock climbing, an indent cut into the face of the rock which can be used as a handhold or foothold.
INPUTinput n. The act or process of putting in; infusion.
input n. That which is put in, as in an amount.
input n. Contribution of work or information, as an opinion or advice.
INUSTinust adj. (Obsolete) burnt in.
INUST adj. (obsolete) burnt in.
QUINTquint n. (Music) An interval of one fifth.
quint n. (Music) The E string of a violin.
quint n. (Card games) In piquet, a sequence of five playing cards of the same suit; equivalent to a straight flush in poker.
RUTINrutin n. (Biochemistry) A flavonoid, found in many plants, that is a glycoside of quercetin and rutinose.
RUTIN n. a drug used against the fragility of small blood vessels.
SUINTsuint n. (Organic chemistry, dated) A substance obtained from the wool of sheep, consisting largely of potash…
SUINT n. a natural grease found in the wool of sheep.
TUINAtuina n. Alternative form of tui na.
tui␣na n. A Chinese manipulative therapy that uses Taoist and martial arts principles in an effort to achieve balance.
TUINA n. (Chinese) a Chinese therapeutic massage system.
TUNICtunic n. A garment worn over the torso, with or without sleeves, and of various lengths reaching from the hips to the ankles.
tunic n. (Anatomy, botany) Any covering, such as seed coat or the organ that covers a membrane.
TUNIC n. a loose-fitting shirt-like garment.
UNFITunfit adj. Not fit; not having the correct requirements.
unfit adj. Not fit, not having a good physical demeanor.
unfit adj. (Often with for) Unsuitable for a particular purpose.
UNITEunite v. (Transitive) To bring together as one.
unite v. (Reciprocal) To come together as one.
unite n. (UK, historical) A British gold coin worth 20 shillings, first produced during the reign of King James…
UNITSunits n. Plural of unit.
UNIT n. a specific quantity used as a standard of measurement.
UNITYunity n. (Uncountable) Oneness; the state or fact of being one undivided entity.
unity n. Agreement; harmony.
unity n. A single undivided thing, seen as complete in itself.
UNLITunlit adj. Not lit.
UNLIT adj. not lit.
UNTIEuntie v. (Transitive) To loosen, as something interlaced or knotted; to disengage the parts of.
untie v. (Transitive) To free from fastening or from restraint; to let loose; to unbind.
untie v. To resolve; to unfold; to clear.
UNTILuntil prep. Up to the time of (something happening).
until prep. Up to (a certain place).
until prep. Before (a time).
UNTINuntin v. (Transitive) To remove the tin (metal) from.
UNTIN v. to take the tin from.
UNWITunwit n. (Obsolete) Lack of wit or understanding; ignorance.
unwit v. To deprive of wit.
UNWIT v. (Shakespeare) to deprive of wit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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