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There are 11 five-letter words containing I, M, N and O

AMINOamino adj. (Chemistry) Relating to an amine.
amino n. (Chemistry) The amine functional group.
amino- pref. (Chemistry) Of amines and of the amino functional group.
AMNIOamnio n. Amniocentesis.
amnio- pref. Amnion; amniotic.
AMNIO n. (short for) an amniocentesis, a test of amniotic fluid for foetal abnormalities.
IMINOimino n. (Chemistry) The divalent radical =NH or =N-R.
IMINO adj. of a compound, containing an imine.
MINORminor adj. Lesser, smaller in importance, size, degree, seriousness, or significance compared to another option, particularly…
minor n. (Law) A child, a person who has not reached the age of majority, consent, etc. and is legally subject…
minor n. A lesser person or thing, a person, group, or thing of minor rank or in the minor leagues.
MINOSminos n. Plural of mino.
Minos prop.n. (Greek mythology) The mythological first king of Crete, a son of Zeus by Europa, who imprisoned the…
MINO n. (Japanese) a raincoat of hemp.
MONICmonic adj. (Mathematics) Of a polynomial whose leading coefficient is one.
monic adj. (Biology) Monomorphic.
monic adj. (Category theory) Of a morphism: that it is a monomorphism.
MONIEmonie n. Archaic spelling of money.
MONIE adv. (Scots) many, also MONY.
NOMICnomic adj. (Dated) Customary; ordinary; applied to the usual spelling of a language, in distinction from strictly…
nomic adj. (Sciences, philosophy) Relating to a law.
Nomic prop.n. A game, intended to model certain aspects of legal systems, in which players take turns by modifying…
NOMOInomoi n. Plural of nomos.
NOMOS n. (Greek) a province or department, esp. in ancient Greece, also NOME.
ONIUMonium n. (Chemistry) any cation derived by the addition of a proton to the hydride of any element of the nitrogen…
onium n. (Chemistry) any organic derivative of these compounds.
onium n. (Physics) the bound pair of a particle and its antiparticle.
TIMONTimon prop.n. A male given name from Ancient Greek of mostly historical use.
Timon prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Lacertidae – certain lizards.
TIMON n. (obsolete) a helm.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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