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There are 16 five-letter words containing I, L, O and R

BROILbroil v. (Transitive, North America, obsolete in the U.K) To cook by direct, radiant heat.
broil v. (Transitive, North America) To expose to great heat.
broil v. (Intransitive, North America) To be exposed to great heat.
DROILdroil n. (Obsolete) A drudge.
droil n. (Obsolete) Mean labour; toil.
droil v. To work sluggishly or slowly; to plod.
LIROTlirot n. Plural of lira.
LIRA n. (Italian) an Italian unit of currency.
LIVORlivor n. (Pathology) Skin discoloration, as from a bruise, or occurring after death.
livor n. (Obsolete) Malice.
LIVOR n. lividness of colour.
LOIRSloirs n. Plural of loir.
LOIR n. (French) a European dormouse.
LORICLORIC n. a leather corslet; the case of a rotifer etc., also LORICA.
LORISloris n. Any of several small, slow-moving primates, of the family Lorisidae, found in India and southeast Asia.
Loris prop.n. A female given name.
Loris prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Lorisidae – the slender lorises.
MILORmilor n. Alternative form of milord (“English nobleman, especially one traveling Europe in grand style”).
MILOR n. (French) a term of address for a rich or aristocratic Englishman, also MILORD.
OILERoiler n. One who or that which oils.
oiler n. (Nautical) An oil tanker.
oiler n. An oil well.
ORIELoriel n. (Architecture) A large polygonal recess in a building, such as a bay window, forming a protrusion on the outer wall.
oriel n. (Obsolete) A small apartment next to a hall, used for dining.
Oriel prop.n. (Oxford University, informal) Ellipsis of Oriel College, Oxford..
REOILreoil v. To oil again.
REOIL v. to oil again.
RIGOLrigol n. (Obsolete) A circle.
rigol n. (Obsolete) A diadem, crown (ornamental headband worn as a badge of royalty).
rigol n. (Nautical) A ridge or channel above a porthole to redirect water flow from dripping inside the vessel.
ROILSroils v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of roil.
ROIL v. to make muddy by stirring or to disturb sediment.
ROILYroily adj. (Of water) muddy, cloudy (having lots of sediment).
roily adj. Turbulent.
ROILY adj. turbid.
TRIOLtriol n. (Organic chemistry) Any trihydroxy alcohol.
Triol prop.n. A surname.
TRIOL n. a chemical compound containing three hydroxyl group.
ZORILzoril n. Alternative spelling of zorille.
ZORIL n. (Spanish) a small African mammal, also ZORILLA, ZORILLE, ZORILLO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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