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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 12 five-letter words containing I, L, O and P

APIOLapiol n. (Organic chemistry) An oleoresin extracted from parsley.
APIOL n. an oily liquid derived from parsley.
LIPOSLIPO n. (colloquial) a liposuction.
LOIPEloipe n. A cross-country ski trail.
LOIPE n. (Danish) a track for cross-country skiing.
OXLIPoxlip n. The plant Primula elatior, similar to cowslip but with larger, pale yellow flowers.
OXLIP n. a flower like the cowslip, also OXSLIP.
PAOLIpaoli n. Plural of paolo.
Paoli prop.n. A surname.
Paoli prop.n. A statutory town in Phillips County, Colorado, United States.
PILAOPILAO n. (Persian) a dish made from seasoned rice and meat, also PILAU, PILAFF, PILAF, PILAW, PILOW, PILLAU, PULAO.
PILOTpilot n. A person who steers a ship, a helmsman.
pilot n. A person who knows well the depths and currents of a harbor or coastal area, who is hired by a vessel…
pilot n. A guide book for maritime navigation.
PILOWpilow n. Obsolete form of pillow.
pilow n. Obsolete form of pilaf.
PILOW n. (Persian) a dish made from seasoned rice and meat, also PILAO, PILAU, PILAFF, PILAF, PILAW, PILLAU, PULAO.
POILUpoilu n. (Historical) A French infantryman during the First World War.
POILU n. (French slang) an infantry soldier in World War One.
POLIOpolio n. (Uncountable) Abbreviation of poliomyelitis.
polio n. (Countable, informal) A person who has poliomyelitis.
Polio prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
POLISpolis n. (Historical) A Greek city-state.
polis n. (Uncountable, Scotland, Ireland, Geordie) The police.
polis n. (Countable, Scotland, Ireland, Geordie) A police officer.
SPOILspoil v. (Transitive, archaic) To strip (someone who has been killed or defeated) of their arms or armour.
spoil v. (Transitive, archaic) To strip or deprive (someone) of their possessions; to rob, despoil.
spoil v. (Transitive, intransitive, archaic) To plunder, pillage (A city, country etc.).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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